1 - Contractness
    The name of this contract is "The Fight Arena". This is a public
2 - Referee
    The Referee is responsible for maintaining this contract. If this
contract is a contest, the Referee is its contestmaster.
3 - Basic Contract Stuff
    Any player may become party to this contract by announcement. Parties to
this agreement who aren't the Referee are known as Fighters. Any Fighter may
cease to be a party to this agreement by announcement.
4 - Status
    Status is a player switch with values of Won, Lost, Hosting and Fighting
(default). A player's Status may only be flipped by the Referee. The Referee
may be the only player whose Status is set to Hosting.
5 - Activity
    Activity is a player switch with values of Fighting and Fawning
(default). A player's Activity may only be flipped by the Referee.
6 - Fight Arena Points
    Fight Arena Points (hereafter FAPs) are a type of currency. Ownership of
FAPs is restricted to Fighters. The Referee is the recordkeeper of FAPs.
7 - Challenges
    Any Fawning Fighter may challenge any other Fawning Fighter by
announcement. Upon doing so, each of the involved Fighters becomes Fighting.
Within four days, the two fighters SHALL send the Referee a Weapon. A Weapon
is a phrase containing up to three words. The Referee SHALL determine the
winner of the challenge by the secret rule as soon as possible and announce
it. If the winner has more FAPs than the loser, the winner gains one FAP. If
the winner has less FAPs than the loser, the winner gains three FAPs. If the
winner and the loser have the same number of FAPs, then the winner gains two
FAPs. The loser loses one FAP. After this is all done, each involved Fighter
becomes Fawning.
8 - Awarding Points
    At the beginning of each month, the Fighter with the most FAPs gains
points equal to the maximum number of points that a contest CAN award per
week per contestant. If there is a tie, the points are split up among each
tied Fighter, rounded down.
9 - Final Challenge
    If there is no valid Final Challenge posted, the contestmaster SHALL
post a Final Challenge as soon as possible. The Final Challenge contains 4
Weapons, one of which is not aloud in the Arena. Any Fawning Fighter may
attempt the Final Challenge by announcement. The announcement SHALL contain,
for each Weapon:
        a. Whether or not the Weapon is aloud in the Arena.
        b. If the Weapon is aloud in the arena, a Weapon that e believes
beats it.
    Upon posting such an announcement, the current valid Final Challenge
becomes invalid. If all the information is correct, and each of the three
Weapons e posts beats the Weapon posted by the Referee that the Fighter
selects, that Fighter has eir Status switched to Won and gains points equal
to twice the maximum number of points that a contest CAN award per week per
contestant. Otherwise, that Fighter has eir Status switched to Lost and
loses points equal to the maximum number of points that a contest CAN award
per week per contestant.
    [Example: The Referee posts a Final Challenge of:
    A Fawning Fighter posts the following announcement:
        Google - Aloud in the arena; Yahoo
        AgoraNomic.org - Aloud in the arena; magicthegathering.com
        Wikipedia - Aloud in the arena; Uncyclopedia
        AskJeeves - Not aloud in the arena]


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