Proto-Proposal:  Let's get in character
(AI = 1.5, II = 2, please)

Create a rule titled "The Quick and the Dead" with this text:

      Each player's wound level is a non-negative integer, default
      0.  If a player's wound level would otherwise be a non-integer,
      it is rounded to the nearest integer, breaking ties toward odd

      Each player's wound threshold is 5.

      A player whose wound level is greater than or equal to eir wound
      threshold is dead (syn. aced).  All other players are alive.

      At the end of each week, each living first-class player has eir
      injury level reduced by 1, to a minimum of 0.

      The Doctor is an office; eir report includes each player's
      wound level.

Create a rule titled "The Prize" with this text:

      Being the only living active first-class player is a Winning

      Cleanup procedure:  Each player's wound level is set to its
      default value.

Create a rule titled "Gang Muscle" with this text:

      A partnership becomes a gang (syn. outfit) by announcement,
      provided that none of its partners (syn. dudes) is also a
      partner of any other outfit.

      Each active first-class living player's influence is equal to
      eir EVLOD divided by 5, rounded to the nearest integer.  A
      gang's influence is the total influence of its partners.  A
      gang's influence at a location is the total influence of its
      partners at that location.

Increase the power of Rule 2180 (Locations) to 1.5, and append this
text to it:

      A location's text CANNOT be changed except by proposal, rules
      to the contrary notwithstanding.

      A player CANNOT increase the wound level of another player unless
      e and that player are at the same location, unless explicitly
      stated otherwise by the instrument defining the means of injury.

      The Surveyor is an office; eir report contains each location's
      text and set of parties.  The Notary's report CAN incorporate
      this information by reference.

Create a rule titled "Owning the Town" with this text:

      Each location's control value is a non-negative integer.  A
      location can identify itself as such by specifying its control

      Each location is controlled by the gang (if any) whose
      influence at that location is greatest, or otherwise by its
      owner (if any), subject to modification by the location.  A
      gang's control is the total control value of the locations
      it controls.

      If there are at least two gangs, then being a partner of a
      gang with greater control at the end of a week than any other
      gang's influence is a Winning Condition.  Cleanup procedure:
      each location's control value is set to 0.

Upon the adoption of this proposal, each of these locations is

  * Town Square.  Control value 0.  This location cannot be owned.

  * First Bank of Agora.  Control value 3.  Control of this location
    is determined as if each player in it had one less influence
    (minimum 0).

  * Courthouse.  Control value 2.

  * Jail.  Control value 1.  Control of this location is determined
    as if each player in the chokey had 0 influence.  Players in the
    chokey CANNOT leave this location.

  * University.  Control value 1.

  * Town Fountain.  Control value 1.

  * Mornington Crescent.  Control value 1.

  * Shark Bay.  Control value 1.

  * Townsville.  Control value 1.

  * Wollongong.  Control value 1.

Create a rule titled "Go Directly to Jail" with this text:

      When a player becomes in the chokey, e moves to Jail.

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