On Dec 20, 2007 3:55 PM, Kerim Aydin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 20 Dec 2007, comex wrote:
> > On 12/20/07, Roger Hicks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> The statements I made regarding Fookiemyartug I believed (through the
> >> retroactivity clause) to be able to be proven true.
> >
> > Interesting; if e did, then not even an APOLOGY is appropriate.
> The standard needs to be "would a reasonable player with the same information
> (including knowledge of motives) believe the same thing?"  Otherwise, anyone
> can always avoid punishment by saying "I believed that [through a completely
> and utterly unbelievable loophole] I would be proven true."
At the point in time where Fookiemyartug registered, the courts had
not established that concepts/objects created by contracts had no
bearing on Agora, except when recognized in equity court. I believe it
was actually the nkep scam that solidified this line of thinking.
While I agree it is for the best, at the time of Fookiemyartug's
alleged registration, I had no idea that this is what would eventually
be decided. Were anyone to CFJ on my statement that Fookiemyartug was
a person and/or a contract, I would have ensured that the statement
was true by taking on another partner (I had a non-player lined up to
do this).


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