Levi wrote:
A Wager MAY be offered by any player by announcement.
To be a valid the Wager announcement MUST contain the following:
"A Wager is an announcement specifying the following:"
(a) A statement that is, or will become, true or false,
(b) The number and color of Marks being wagered, which MUST be
less than or equal to the number of Marks possessed by that
player, and
Can multiple colors be wagered at once?
A player with less than the number of Marks being wagered CAN NOT
accept a Wager. Any other player MAY accept the wager by
announcement. Only one player CAN accept each wager.
"Any other player with Marks greater than or equal to the amount of
the Wager CAN accept it by announcement, unless the Wager has already
been accepted. E thereby wagers on the opposite outcome from that
wagered on by the offering player."
A Wager MAY be resolved when the following conditions are met:
(a) The Wager has been accepted, and
(b) The statement that is the subject of the Wager is either
true or false.
A Wager is resolved by announcment and indicates the result of
the Wager.
"An accepted Wager CAN be resolved by a correct announcement specifying
the truth value of the statement, which must be exactly one of true or
As soon as possible after a Wager is resolved the player who lost
the Wager MUST transfer the aggreed number of Marks to the winner
of the Wager.
"...the player who wagered on the incorrect outcome MUST transfer the
agreed number and color of Marks to the player who wagered on the
correct outcome."
Of course, all of this could be done anyway by offering to agree to an
appropriately written binding agreement...