root wrote:

On Nov 29, 2007 11:12 AM, Roger Hicks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
In my estimation that deters from one of the strengths of this system.
All Players (or all possible judicial panels) are qualified judges,
even those who are second-class or not presently interested in
judging. Will they ever be assigned? They shouldn't if things are
working correctly. However, history seems to indicate that things can
go wrong. When they do go wrong, it would be beneficial to have these
"non-judges" still qualified to judge.

Partnerships should never be qualified to judge, period.
Inactive players are unlikely to actually judge a case mistakenly
assigned to them.

It may be worthwhile to let the assignment stand if the player is
first-class and active but not interested; this would have prevented
confusion in the cases to which comex was assigned while supine a
couple months ago.

At least if the player actually does judge, despite their previous
expression of disinterest in doing so.  This could equally apply to
accidental assignment of inactive players.

As for partnerships, there are situations in which allowing them
to judge would not introduce any obvious conceptual unfairness (e.g.
the AFO while I was deregistered, provided that I was the one
writing up its decisions), but they're probably too rare to bother
legislating.  More common are situations in which a player is
qualified to judge in eir own right (so should not get an extra
share of the case load through a partnership), or was disqualified
by the caller (so should not be able to circumvent that through a
partnership), or whose attentiveness is questionable (e.g. if one of
the silent partners of Fookiemyartug were to write up a decision).

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