pikhq wrote:
I submit the following proposal, entitled "No decay!":
Amend rule 2126 to read:
When a proposed amendment leaves most of a rule the same, it's customary to specify just the changes. This makes its net effect easier to determine, and avoids the risk that it will inadvertently wipe out other changes to the same rule. Yes, your proposal will be ineffective if you misquote the existing text; but that's arguably a feature, not a bug.
[Remove monthly decay. Make changing VVLOPs harder, to prevent the potential hoarding of VCs harder to abuse.]
For reference, here are the specific differences from the current text: * Remove monthly decay * Change "N+1 to increase another player's VVLOP by N" to "N to increase another player's VVLOP by floor(N/2)" * Change "N+2 to increase your own VVLOP by N" to "N to increase your own VVLOP by floor(N/3)" * Change "N+1 to decrease another player's VVLOP by N" to "N to decrease another player's VVLOP by floor(N/2)"