Benjamin Schultz wrote:
>WAR:  A condition of war begins between Agora and another nomic (the  
>"enemy nomic") simultaneously have active declarations of war against  
>each other.

This doesn't seem very useful.  Warfare can occur without a declaration
of war, and we shouldn't have to judge what a foreign nomic counts as war
(if it even has the concept).

>                                       The penalty for treason is to  
>be sentenced to the Chokey for the duration of the war;

You're mixing up two different uses of internment.  Chokey as a punishment
should be for a fixed period, determined in advance, relating to the
seriousness of the offence.  Putting someone in chokey for the duration
of the war is treating them as a prisoner of war, which does not involve
any legal guilt and is done for the purpose of protecting the state by
denying the prisoner the capacity to make war on it.  Real-life criminal
proceedings have an intermediate use of internment, when a convicted
criminal has served eir minimum sentence, is eligible for parole,
and is kept inside because e is judged to be a danger to the public:
here the rationale is that of a prisoner of war, but the conditions in
which e is kept are those of punishment.

In Agora, internment for the duration of a war would be appropriate for
an enemy native who, in the course of war, took Agoran game actions that
were hostile to Agora (say, CFJ flooding).  It should not occur through a
criminal CFJ, but by some other mechanism, possibly another class of CFJ.
The restrictions on the internee do not need to match those of criminals
in chokey, and indeed the flexibility to vary these restrictions may
be useful.  Internment should be independent of chokey and playerhood.


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