On Nov 7, 2007 12:28 PM, Ed Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Zefram wrote:
> > ==============================  CFJ 1786a  =============================
> > Judge:                                  judicial panel of Murphy,
> >                                         pikhq, root
> I intend to cause the panel to judge REMAND.
> Panelist's arguments:
> First, some hypotheses.
>    1) Goethe did not possess the information e claimed to announce
>       (the AFO's current list of members), only similar information
>       (the same list as of the AFO's formation).
>    2) Rule 2173's "disclose" requires at least one target not already
>       possessing the information in question.
>    3) CFJ 1786's "identifying" does not so require.
>    4) Rule 1504's "manner at least as serious as alleged" examines the
>       full context of the alleged breach, not just aspects explicitly
>       stated in the CFJ.
>    5) Rule 1504's "manner at least as serious as alleged" is vacuously
>       avoidable if the alleged action is not proscribed.
> A judgement of EXCUSED may be inappropriate.  Goethe could have chosen
> not to make the announcement in question; e would have either avoided
> violating Rule 2173 entirely (H2,H3,H5), or restricted the set of
> targets to emself (H4).
> A judgement of INNOCENT may be appropriate.  (H1)
> A judgement of UNIMPUGNED may be appropriate.  (H2,H3).
> A judgement of SLIPPERY may be appropriate.  The judge may not know
> whether Goethe possessed information as up-to-date as e claimed.

I consent to this judgement.


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