Fastest Judge In Agora.
Create a new rule titled "Fastest Judge In Agora" to read as follows:
There shall be a Patent title known as the "The Fastest Judge In
Agora". Which may only be held by one player at a time. It is awarded
to a Judge who judges a CFJ quicker than any previous record. The time
measured is from the CFJ being called to the Judge publishing eir
Judgment. To count the Initiator the CotC and the Judge must all be
separate first-class persons. The Patent title shall be recorded along
with the record time.
Quoting Ed Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Zefram wrote:
============================== CFJ 1767 ==============================
Initiated by pikhq: 21 Oct 2007 19:53:50 GMT
Judge Goddess Eris assigned: 21 Oct 2007 20:01:35 GMT
Judged FALSE by Goddess Eris: 21 Oct 2007 20:04:29 GMT
I suspect that this is our fastest ever judgement, measured from
initiation. At 639 s it narrowly beats the 759 s of CFJs 1638-1645.
Measured from assignment, though, the record is 0 s (set or at least
tied by some CFJ earlier this month, in which you assigned it to
yourself and judged it in a single message).