As I am not a player anyone is free to plagiarize any of these ideas.


Let the punishment be minor but suited to the act and decided by cfj. If guilty the defendant can not submit proposals for X weeks. Only the person whose proposal was copied can call the cfj and they have to post a notice of complaint before the proposal is distributed. (so the defendant can with draw it if e wants) Also, to count as plagiarism it would have to within 2 weeks of the callers posting of a proposal (or proto??):

1) The defendants proposal (or proto) be published later.
2) The defendants proposal plagiarizes a substantial set of the wording or ideas in the callers proposal.
3) The caller has not published any support of the defendants proposal.

Let the judge decided if it was substantial. The other bits should prevent abuse with a bit of luck.

Problems are the discussion forums defined in the rules? I suspect there would be little way of regulating protos.

Quoting Pavitra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

That said, I'd probably support an anti-plagiarism rule if someone proposed it.

I'm assuming such a rule would probably have to work by requiring the
naming of coauthors, since people collaborate on protos all the time.


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