Zefram wrote:

Geoffrey Spear wrote:
5158  Di  2    Zefram      Agora is (nearly) a republic
5160  Di  2    comex       Agora is (nearly) a republic

When I left in a huff in 1997, I did so largely because I perceived that
people bore a grudge against me.  I had the impression that, whereas my
proposals were almost never voted for, equivalent proposals from other
players attracted votes.  My paranoia has reduced, and when I started
playing again this year I thought that my perception had probably been
mistaken.  But here's a much clearer case.  Back in 1997 there weren't
actually identical pairs of proposals.

Whence the anti-Zefram movement?

It might be a tall-poppies thing.  Let's look at the VLOP and VC
leaders, grouping partnerships with the players who most often
control them in practice:

  27  33  Zefram + Pineapple
  15  23  Murphy + Human Point Two
  12   9  BobTHJ + Primo
  11  14  root
   9   6  Wooble
   8   2  comex

followed by roughly half a dozen players at around 5 and 0 - and
most of that is not because of the BVLOP increase, but rather
because I've been spreading VLOP around in recent months.

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