>        The interest index of a proposal is an integer from 1 to 3.
>        A proposal's interest index SHOULD be proportional
>        to its complexity.
>        "Disinterested" is a synonym for "interest index 0".  A proposal
>        SHOULD be disinterested if and only if its effects are limited
>        to correcting errors and/or ambiguities.

Very good idea. I'd like an explicit breakdown of what each index
level means, as you've done for 0. Perhaps something roughly like...

A proposal's interest index SHOULD be 1 iff its effects are limited to
covering unusual circumstances or edge cases.

A proposal's interest index SHOULD be 2 iff it creates, removes, or
alters actions or situations encountered often [such as repealing rule
2126]. Any alteration to the circumstances under which a player can
win SHOULD have an interest index of at least 2.

A proposal's interest index SHOULD be 3 iff it significantly affects
major or long-established systems fundamental to the running of the
game [such as repealing rule 1504].

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