> If you're going to do this, you should include > something else to compensate for that effect, such as resetting VCs as > well.
An excellent point. I withdraw my proposal "earned citizenship" from the proposal pool. I submit the following proposal at AI=2: {{{ BobTHJ and root are coauthors of this proposal. Amend rule 2156 by replacing the text "The BVLOP of a first-class player is four, and the BVLOP of any other player is zero." with "The BVLOP of a player is zero." Amend rule 2126 by replacing the last sentence with: "When one or more players win the game, each player's VVLOP is set to eir BVLOP, and each player with more than four VCs loses all but four VCs of their choice. A player who is to lose VCs in this way SHALL indicate eir choice by announcement as soon as possible, and CANNOT spend VCs until e does so. If, after the aforementioned win but before the announcement of eir choice, the player in question would lose VCs by any mechanism other than this paragraph, then the loss is delayed until one second after the VC loss required by this paragraph takes place." }}}