> 4. CAN X ONLY IF Y:  Equivalent to "CANNOT X UNLESS Y".  Similar

> I'm not sure I follow this. I see this as the definition of ONLY IF.
> So, ONLY IF is only defined in the context of CAN X ONLY IF Y.
> So, the intent here is to also make this the definition of UNLESS also.
> Have I missed or misunderstood something?

The proposed version would define ONLY IF in terms of UNLESS. UNLESS
is defined nowhere in the ruleset; conversely, the decapitalized
unless in the current rules is defined by R754(3). In other words, the
proposed version *relies on* the definition of UNLESS, but does not in
itself *constitute* a definition of UNLESS.

If you wish to provide a definition of UNLESS, I suggest something
along the lines of "CAN X UNLESS Y means: CANNOT X IF Y, and CAN X

Which brings up an interesting point: should MMI have definitions for
words like AND, OTHERWISE, etc? Or is R754(3) sufficient to import the
boolean-logical senses? (I think it's sufficient.)

[We really should canonize CAN NOT as a synonym of CANNOT, though.]

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