I believe my votes on these proposals were submitted within the voting
period to the proper forum and were not counted.

On 7/22/07, Ed Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Voting results for Proposals 5080 - 5087:

5080  Oi  1    Murphy      Compensate for vacant offices
5081  Dd  2    Zefram      renumeration II.0
5082  Di  2    Zefram      better VLOP balance after wins
5083  Di  3    Zefram      simplify AI setting
5084  Od  1    Zefram      platonic patent titles
5085  Oi  1.5  Zefram      degrees by proposal
5086  Di  2    Zefram      judicial reform
5087  Od  1    Murphy      Spell check

                   5080  5081  5082  5083  5084  5085  5086  5087

BobTHJ             4A     F     F     F    4F    4A     F    4F
Eris               4A     F     F     F     P    4F     P    4F
Murphy             4F           F                       F    4F
OscarMeyr           P     P     P     P     P     P     P     P
Pineapple P.       7A                      7F    7F          7F
root               6A     P     F     P    6F    6F     F    6F
Zefram            10A     F     F     F   10F   10F     F   10F

AI                  1     2     2     3     1     1.5   2     1
VI                  3.3+ *U*   *U*   *U*   *U*    6.75 *U*   *U*
F/A               27/8   3/0   5/0   3/0  27/0   27/4  4/0  35/0

Eligible, VL>0     12     9     9     9    12     9     9    12
Quorum              5     5     5     5     5     5     5     5
Voters              7     5     6     5     6     6     6     7

Text of adopted proposals:


Proposal 5080 (Ordinary, AI=1, Interested) by Murphy
Compensate for vacant offices

Amend Rule 1006 (Offices) by replacing this text:

       If an Officer or the Speaker fails to satisfy a Timing Order to
       perform a certain official duty, then the player who executed the
       order may perform the duty as if e were the officer.

with this text:

       If a Timing Order directed at an office is not satisfied on time,
       or if the office is vacant, then the player who executed the order
       may perform the duty as if e held that office.


Proposal 5081 (Democratic, AI=2, Disinterested) by Zefram
renumeration II.0

Amend rule 1023 by deleting the item that defines "number" and then
changing the letters in all the top-level item labels to form a
consecutive sequence from "a".

[With scores now restricted to integers, each instance of "number" in
the ruleset either is discussing a value that is inherently a natural
number or is explicitly qualified as "rational" or some other subset
of the real numbers.  The default restriction of the meaning of
"number" rarely had any effect, and is now definitively dead wood.]


Proposal 5082 (Democratic, AI=2, Interested) by Zefram
better VLOP balance after wins

Amend the rule titled "Voting on Ordinary Proposals" by replacing the
text "BVLOP of a first-class player is one" with "BVLOP of a
first-class player is four".

[This prevents the VCs that are held at the time of a win carrying the
overwhelming power that they presently do.  One player's VVLOP being
increased by 20 immediately after a VVLOP reset won't outweigh all the
other players as it presently would.]

[This proposal assumes the prior adoption of "refactor voting limits".
It has no effect otherwise.]


Proposal 5083 (Democratic, AI=3, Interested) by Zefram
simplify AI setting

Amend rule 106 by replacing the text

       The adoption index of a proposal is an integral multiple of 0.1,
       with a default and minimum value of 1.0.  Before the Promotor
       distributes a proposal, its proposer may modify its adoption
       index by announcement.


       The adoption index of a proposal is an integral multiple of 0.1,
       with a minimum value of 1.0.  It may be set by the proposer at
       the time of submission, or otherwise defaults to 1.0.

[There's no particular reason to modify the AI after submission, so
may as well set it definitively at submission time.  Errors can be
corrected by withdrawing the proposal entirely.]


Proposal 5084 (Ordinary, AI=1, Disinterested) by Zefram
platonic patent titles

Amend rule 649 by replacing the text

       As soon as possible after the Rules state that a Patent title
       shall be awarded or revoked, the Herald shall publicly award or
       revoke that Patent Title.


       As soon as possible after a patent title is awarded or revoked,
       the herald SHALL announce the award or revocation.

[We really don't need the extra step of the herald performing the
award or revocation.  It was poorly specified anyway.]


Proposal 5085 (Democratic, AI=1.5, Interested) by Zefram
degrees by proposal

Amend rule 1367 to read

       Certain patent titles are known as degrees.  The degrees are

       - Associate of Nomic                 (A.N.)
       - Bachelor of Nomic                  (B.N.)
       - Master of Nomic                    (M.N.)
       - Doctor of Nomic History            (D.N.Hist.)
       - Doctor of Nomic Science            (D.N.Sci.)
       - Doctor of Nomic Philosophy         (D.N.Phil.)

       Degrees are ranked in the order they appear in this rule, with
       degrees listed later being ranked higher.

       A degree CANNOT be awarded to any person more than once, and
       CANNOT be revoked once awarded.  A degree CAN be awarded by the
       action of an instrumennt with power greater than or equal to the
       power of this rule, but CANNOT be awarded in any other way.

       A degree SHOULD be awarded ONLY IF its new bearer has published
       a suitable thesis with explicit intent to qualify for a degree
       (though not necessarily for the specific degree being awarded).
       A thesis is an essay whose topic is any facet of Agora Nomic or
       of nomic in general.  A thesis's suitability depends on its
       originality and quality, with regard to the rank of the degree
       to be awarded.

Change the power of rule 1367 to 1.5.

Repeal rule 1370.

[We don't award degrees often enough to justify the rather complex
process of rule 1370.  We can simplify it to a proposal process (which
of course was always an option anyway), with advisory rule text on
what should qualify.  Upmutate so that awarding a degree is more
difficult than a normal proposal passage: in fact, this makes it more
difficult than it previously was.]


Proposal 5086 (Democratic, AI=2, Interested) by Zefram
judicial reform

Whereas Agora has since 1996 laboured under an unnecessarily complex,
unclear, poorly-specified, bug-ridden judicial system, and wishes to
replace this with a system designed in the light of the greater
understanding of nomic that has been achieved in the past ten years,
taking advantage of the innovations made in the Agoran ruleset, and
conforming to the present taste for a shorter ruleset with simpler
mechanisms, it is the will of Agora that the judicial system set out
below be adopted.

[Part I: new judicial rules]

Retitle rule 991 to "Judicial Cases Generally", leave its power
unchanged at 2, and amend it to read

       A judicial case, also known as a call for judgement (CFJ), is a
       procedure to settle a matter of controversy.  There are
       subclasses of judicial case with particular features defined by
       other rules.  Subclasses of judicial case exist only as defined
       by the rules.

       The Clerk of the Courts (CotC) is an office, responsible for
       managing judicial activity.  The CotC's report includes the
       status of all judicial cases that either require a judge or have
       at least one applicable judicial question that has no judgement.

Retitle rule 1868 to "Judge Assignment Generally", change its power to
2, and amend it to read

       At any time, a judicial case either has no judge assigned to it
       (default) or has exactly one entity assigned to it as judge;
       this is a persistent status that changes only according to the
       rules.  To recuse a judge from a case means to deassign em as
       judge.  To assign a judge to a case implicitly recuses any
       existing judge.

       At any time, a judicial case either does not require a judge
       (default) or requires a judge; this is not a persistent status,
       but is evaluated instantaneously.

       When a judicial case requires a judge and has no judge assigned,
       the CotC CAN assign a qualified entity to be its judge by
       announcement.  Whenever this situation arises the CotC SHALL
       make such an assignment as soon as possible.

       Except where modified by other rules, the entities qualified to
       be assigned as judge of a judicial case are the active
       first-class players.  Being unqualified to be assigned as a
       judge does not inherently prevent an entity from continuing to
       be judge if already assigned.

Leave rule 1871's title unchanged at "The Standing Court", change its
power to 1.5, and amend it to read

       Each player is either standing, sitting, or supine; this status
       is known as eir posture.  The CotC's report includes each
       player's posture.  When an entity becomes a player, e is
       initially supine.  A player CAN change emself from sitting to
       supine, or from supine to sitting, by announcement.

       A supine player is unqualified to be assigned as judge of any
       judicial case.  The CotC SHALL NOT assign a sitting player to be
       the judge of any judicial case.  If the CotC has assigned a
       sitting player as judge, and that player is still the judge of
       that case, the CotC CAN recuse that judge from that case by

       When the CotC assigns a standing player as judge of a judicial
       case, the player becomes sitting, except in the situation
       discussed in the next sentence.  If the CotC assigns a standing
       player as judge of more than one judicial case consecutively in
       the same announcement, and states in the announcement that these
       are linked assignments, the player becomes sitting upon the last
       of these assignments, but not any of the earlier ones.  The CotC
       SHOULD NOT perform linked assignments unless the cases being
       linked are closely related in their subject matter.

       The CotC CAN change all sitting players to standing by
       announcement.  The CotC SHALL NOT do this unless there is a
       judicial case to which e is obliged to assign a judge, all
       entities qualified to be so assigned are sitting players, and e
       immediately afterwards (in the same announcement) assigns a
       judge to that case.

Enact a rule with title "Judicial Panels", power 1.7, and text

       A judicial panel is a structure whereby a group of two or more
       persons (its members) act together for the purpose of judging
       judicial cases.  A judicial panel's membership cannot change,
       and if two panels have the same membership then they are the
       same panel.  Judicial panels exist implicitly, without any
       specific act of formation.

       A judicial panel CAN send messages by means of any of its
       members sending a message identified as being from the panel,
       with the unanimous agreement of the panel's members.  By this
       mechanism a judicial panel can act, in situations where the
       rules state that an action is performed by sending a message.  A
       judicial panel can incur obligations.  The members of a panel
       SHALL act collectively to ensure that the panel satisfies all of
       its obligations.

Enact a rule with title "Judicial Questions", power 2, and text

       Within a judicial case, one or more judicial questions may
       arise.  Each judicial question is either inapplicable (default)
       or applicable; this is not a persistent status but is evaluated
       instantaneously.  Each judicial question either is open
       (default), suspended, or has a particular judgement; this is a
       persistent status that changes only according to the rules.  The
       possible types of judgement for a judicial question vary
       according to the type of question.

       When a judicial case has an applicable open judicial question,
       it requires a judge, and its judge CAN assign a valid judgement
       to that question by announcement.  Whenever there is a judge
       assigned to a judicial case with an applicable open question,
       the judge SHALL assign such a judgement to the question as soon
       as possible.

       Whenever a judicial case has a judicial question that has
       remained applicable and open, while the same judge has been
       assigned to the case, continuously for the past week, the CotC
       CAN recuse that judge by announcement.  Whenever a judicial case
       has a judicial question that has remained applicable and open,
       while the same judge has been assigned to the case, continuously
       for the past two weeks, the CotC SHALL so recuse the judge as
       soon as possible.

       Among the possible judgements of a judicial question, some
       subset of them are appropriate.  Judgements are appropriate only
       where so defined by the rules.  A judge SHALL NOT assign an
       inappropriate judgement.  Where more than one appropriate
       judgement is available, the choice between them is at the
       judge's discretion.

Retitle rule 591 to "Inquiry Cases", change its power to 1.7, and
amend it to read

       There is a subclass of judicial case known as an inquiry case.
       An inquiry case's purpose is to determine the veracity of a
       particular statement.  An inquiry case CAN be initiated by any
       person, by announcement which includes the statement to be
       inquired into.

       The initiator is unqualified to be assigned as judge of the
       case, and in the initiating announcement e CAN disqualify one
       person from assignment as judge of the case.

       An inquiry case has a judicial question on veracity, which is
       always applicable.  The valid judgements for this question are:

       * FALSE, appropriate if the statement was factually and
         logically false at the time the inquiry case was initiated

       * TRUE, appropriate if the statement was factually and logically
         true at the time the inquiry case was initiated

       * UNDECIDABLE, appropriate if the statement was logically
         undecidable, nonsensical, too vague, or otherwise not capable
         of being accurately described as either false or true, at the
         time the inquiry case was initiated

       * IRRELEVANT, appropriate if the veracity of the statement at
         the time the inquiry case was initiated is not relevant to the

       * UNDETERMINED, appropriate if the information available to the
         judge is insufficient to determine which of the FALSE, TRUE,
         and UNDECIDABLE judgements is appropriate; however,
         uncertainty as to how to interpret or apply the rules cannot
         constitute insufficiency of information for this purpose

       The judgement of the question in an inquiry case SHOULD guide
       future play, including future judgements, but does not directly
       affect the veracity of the statement.  The rulekeepor is
       ENCOURAGED to annotate rules to draw attention to relevant
       inquiry case judgements.

Retitle rule 1504 to "Criminal Cases", change its power to 1.7, and
amend it to read

       There is a subclass of judicial case known as a criminal case.
       A criminal case's purpose is to determine the culpability of a
       particular person, known as the defendant, for an alleged breach
       of the rules, and to punish the guilty.  A criminal case CAN be
       initiated by any player, by announcement which clearly
       identifies the defendant and specifies the action (which may be
       a failure to perform another action) by which the defendant
       allegedly breached the rules.

       The initiation of a criminal case begins its pre-trial phase.
       During the pre-trial phase, the case requires a judge.  In the
       pre-trial phase the judge SHALL as soon as possible inform the
       defendant of the case and invite em to rebut the argument for
       eir guilt.  The pre-trial phase ends one week after the
       defendant has been so informed.

       The initiator and defendant are each unqualified to be assigned
       as judge of the case.  During the pre-trial phase, the defendant
       CAN disqualify one person from assignment as judge of the case,
       by announcement.  If e disqualifies the judge, then the judge is

       A criminal case has a judicial question on culpability, which is
       applicable at all times following the pre-trial phase.  The
       valid judgements for this question are:

       * ALREADY TRIED, appropriate if judgement has already been
         reached in another criminal case with the same defendant and
         substantially the same alleged act

       * UNIMPUGNED, appropriate if the alleged act was not proscribed
         by the rules at the time it allegedly occurred

       * INNOCENT, appropriate if the defendant did not perform the
         alleged act

       * SLIPPERY, appropriate if the information available to the
         judge is insufficient to determine beyond a reasonable doubt
         whether or not the defendant performed the alleged act

       * EXCUSED, appropriate if the defendant has good reason why e
         could not avoid breaching the rules in a manner at least as
         serious as alleged

       * GUILTY, appropriate if none of the above judgements is

       A criminal case has a judicial question on sentencing, which is
       applicable if the question on culpability is applicable and has
       a judgement of GUILTY.  If a criminal case has an applicable
       question on sentencing which has a judgement, the defendant is
       hereafter known as the ninny, the judgement in the question on
       sentencing is known as the sentence, and the sentence is in

       Some types of sentence include a duration known as the tariff.
       When a sentence with a tariff is in effect, the sentence is
       thereafter either active or not.  The sentence is inactive for
       the first week after it first takes effect.  Thereafter, the
       sentence is active if and only if it is still in effect and
       sentences of the same type on the same question on sentencing
       have been active for a total duration less than the tariff.  The
       CotC's report includes the status of all active judgements.

       The valid sentences are:

       * DISCHARGE, appropriate only in extraordinary circumstances, if
         any available non-null punishment would be manifestly unjust.
         Has no effect.

       * APOLOGY with a set of up to ten words (the prescribed words),
         appropriate for rule breaches of small consequence.  When in
         effect, the ninny SHALL within 72 hours publish a formal
         apology of at least 200 words, including all the prescribed
         words, explaining eir error, shame, remorse, and ardent desire
         for self-improvement.  The ninny is only obliged to publish
         one apology per question on sentencing, even if sentences of
         this type are assigned more than once or go into effect more
         than once.

       * CHOKEY with a duration (the tariff) up to 60 days multiplied
         by the power of the highest-power rule allegedly broken,
         appropriate if the severity of the rule breach is reasonably
         correlated with the length of the tariff, the middle of the
         tariff range being appropriate for rule breaches of
         intermediate severity.  While a sentence of this type is
         active, the ninny is in the chokey.  No entity is in the
         chokey except as required by this rule.

       * EXILE with a duration (the tariff) up to 60 days multiplied by
         the power of the highest-power rule allegedly broken,
         appropriate if the severity of the rule breach is reasonably
         correlated with the length of the tariff, the middle of the
         tariff range being appropriate for severe rule breaches
         amounting to a breach of trust.  While a sentence of this type
         is active, the ninny is exiled.  No entity is exiled except as
         required by this rule.  If an exiled entity is ever a player,
         e is deregistered.  An exiled entity CANNOT register.

       An appeal concerning any assignment of judgement in a criminal
       case within the past week, other than an assignment caused by a
       judgement in an appeal case, CAN be initiated by the defendant
       by announcement.

Retitle rule 911 to "Appeal Cases", change its power to 1.7, and amend
it to read

       There is a subclass of judicial case known as an appeal case.
       An appeal case's purpose is to determine the appropriateness of
       a judgement that has been assigned to a judicial question, and
       make remedy if the judgement was poorly chosen.  The assignment
       of judgement being questioned (appealed against, or appealed) is
       referred to as the prior assignment; the word "prior" in this
       rule is used to refer to the circumstances of the prior

       An appeal concerning any assignment of judgement in a non-appeal
       case within the past two weeks, other than an assignment caused
       by a judgement in an appeal case, CAN be initiated by any player
       with 2 support.

       The entities qualified to be assigned as judge of an appeal case
       are the judicial panels consisting of three members, where each
       of the members is qualified to be assigned as judge of the prior
       case and none of the members is the prior judge.

       An appeal case has a judicial question on disposition, which is
       applicable if and only if the prior question is applicable.  The
       valid judgements for the question on disposition are:

       * AFFIRM, appropriate if the prior judgement was appropriate for
         the prior question

       * REMAND, appropriate if there is serious doubt about the
         appropriateness of the prior judgement but the judge believes
         that the judge of the prior case can make a better judgement
         if given a new opportunity

       * REASSIGN, appropriate if there is serious doubt about the
         appropriateness of the of the prior judgement

       * OVERRULE with a valid replacement judgement for the prior
         question, appropriate if the prior judgement was inappropriate
         in the prior question and the replacement judgement is
         appropriate for the prior question

       Initiation of an appeal case renders the prior question
       suspended.  It remains suspended as long as the question on
       disposition in the appeal case has no judgement.  When the
       question on disposition has a judgement, things happen according
       to that judgement:

       * if AFFIRM, the prior judgement is assigned to the prior
         question again

       * if REMAND, the prior question is rendered open again

       * if REASSIGN, the judge of the prior case (if any) is recused,
         and the prior question is rendered open again

       * if OVERRULE with a replacement judgement, the replacement
         judgement is assigned to the prior question

[Part II: repeals]

Repeal rules
        889 ("The Clerk of the Courts"),
        897 ("Barring Players from Judgement"),
       2024 ("Linked Statements"),
       2132 ("Excess CFJs"),
        408 ("Late Judgement"),
       1575 ("Standards of Proof"),
       1565 ("Dismissal of a CFJ"),
       1826 ("Motions"),
       1365 ("Concurring and Dissenting Opinions"),
       1564 ("Initiating Appeals"),
       1447 ("Final Judgement upon Appeal"),
       1804 ("Appeal of Judicial and Sentencing Orders"),
       1805 ("Appellate Orders"),
       1503 ("Rules Violations"),
        908 ("Formal Apologies"), and
       2129 ("Dishonor Rolls").

[The repeal of R1503 can only take place if it was downmutated in
advance by P5072; if not, the text of R1503 has very little effect and
shouldn't cause any problems.]

[Part III: consequential amendments]

Amend rule 869 by replacing the paragraph

       Whenever a player is deregistered, e is prohibited from
       registering for the next thirty days.


       Whenever a player deregisters, e is prohibited from registering
       for the next thirty days.

[This auto-exile is only appropriate for voluntary deregistrations.
For exile due to criminal sentence it would create an unretractable
minimum tariff, which would be unjust.]

If the recent proposal "MMI in practice" was not adopted, amend rule
1769 by replacing the text

       nor may any Call for Judgement, Judgement, notice of Appeal,
       Decision of Appeals Boards, or Opinion be published by the Clerk
       of the Courts


       nor may any judge be assigned to any judicial case, nor may any
       judge assign a judgement to any judicial question

If the recent proposal "MMI in practice" was adopted, amend rule 1769
by replacing the text

       the Clerk of the Courts SHALL NOT publish any Call for
       Judgement, Judgement, notice of Appeal, Decision of Appeals
       Boards, or Opinion


       judges SHALL NOT be assigned to any judicial case, and judges
       SHALL NOT assign judgement to any judicial question

[CotC publication isn't used for anything any more.  Judgement itself
is the closest equivalent.  Two versions of this amendment because
"MMI in practice" proposes to MMIify this part of rule 1769.]

Amend rule 2126 by replacing the text

         c) A player who submits a judgement during eir Deliberation
            Period gains one Blue VC.


         c) A player who assigns a judgement to a judicial question
            within the time limit when first obliged to gains one Blue

and replacing the text

         c) A player whose judgement is overturned, or who is recused
            for failing to judge within eir Deliberation Period, loses
            one Blue VC.


         c) A player who is recused from a judicial case because a
            judicial question has remained applicable, open, and
            unjudged loses one Blue VC.  A player who is the prior
            judge in an appeal case where a judgement other than AFFIRM
            is assigned to the question on disposition loses one Blue

[Update to match the new internal concepts and terminology.  This
amendment can only take place if R2126 was downmutated and amended in
advance by the proposal "Three-Tone Economics"; if not, the meaning of
the old terminology in terms of the new system is reasonably apparent

Amend rule 1794 by deleting the items labelled "(b)" and "(c)" and
then changing the item label "(d)" to "(b)".

[The new judicial system doesn't use orders.]

Retitle rule 217 to "Interpreting the Rules", leave its power
unchanged at 2, and amend it to read

       When interpreting and applying the rules, the text of the rules
       takes precedence.  Where the text is silent, inconsistent, or
       unclear, it is to be augmented by game custom, common sense,
       past judgements, and consideration of the best interests of the

[This rule used to apply itself only to judgements, but actually this
part is applicable even when judgement is not invoked.  This amendment
can only take place if R217 was downmutated in advance by P5071; if
not, the unchanged text of R217 is still appropriate.]

Retitle rule 1742 to "Contracts", change its power to 1.5, and amend
it to read

       Any group of two or more persons may make an agreement among
       themselves with the intention that it be binding upon them and
       be governed by the rules.  Such an agreement is known as a
       contract.  A contract may be modified, including changing the
       set of parties, by agreement between all parties.  A contract
       may also terminate by agreement between all parties.  A contract
       automatically terminates if the number of parties to it falls
       below two.

       Parties to a contract governed by the rules SHALL act in
       accordance with that contract.  This obligation is not impaired
       by contradiction between the contract and any other contract, or
       between the contract and the rules.

[Dropping the attempt at civil enforcement of contracts, because it
can't really work.  We don't have appropriate remedies to do equity
law (it requires a valuable commodity, i.e., money).  Turning the
agreement into an obligation of the rules makes breach of contract
subject to the criminal law.  Contract clauses can always specify
remedies if there are appropriate ones in a particular case, and those
can be applied via inquiry CFJs, with the criminal law as a backup if
the respondent reneges on eir remedy obligations.  Ultimately the
criminal law is always required to back up a specific-performance
remedy, of course.]

[Part IV: transitional provisions]

Revoke all patent titles of "In the Chokey", "Fugitive", and "Fugitive
from Justice".

[Punishments no longer use patent titles.]

CFJs that existed before the adoption of this proposal shall generally
continue to exist.  Their continuity across the amendments made by
this proposal shall be governed by these provisions:

* "Pre-reform" refers to the state in which the rules and other game
   entities were immediately before the adoption of this proposal.

* "Post-reform" refers to the state in which the rules and other game
   entities will be immediately after this proposal has completed
   taking effect.

* Each pre-reform CFJ continues to exist as a post-reform inquiry

* Each pre-reform CFJ with a judge assigned has the same judge
   assigned in its post-reform form.

* Each pre-reform CFJ with no judge assigned has no judge assigned in
   its post-reform form.

* For each pre-reform CFJ with an unappealed judgement, the
   post-reform inquiry case has a judgement assigned to its question on
   veracity, according to this translation:

   + Pre-reform FALSE judgement corresponds to post-reform FALSE.

   + Pre-reform TRUE judgement corresponds to post-reform TRUE.

   + Any other pre-reform judgement corresponds to post-reform

* For each pre-reform CFJ which is dismissed (and not subsequently
   reopened) without judgement, the post-reform inquiry case has a
   judgement of UNDETERMINED assigned to its question on veracity.

* For each pre-reform CFJ with an incomplete appeal of judgement, the
   post-reform inquiry case has its question on veracity suspended.

* For each pre-reform CFJ neither with an unappealed judgement, nor
   dismissed (and not subsequently reopened) without judgement, nor
   with an incomplete appeal of judgement, the post-reform inquiry case
   has its question on veracity open.

* Each pre-reform appeal of anything other than a judgement is a
   detail of the CFJ (post-reform inquiry case) to which it is
   attached, and does not continue to exist as a distinct post-reform

* Each pre-reform appeal of a judgement continues to exist as a
   post-reform appeal case regarding the assignment of that judgement
   to the question on veracity in the inquiry case.

* Each pre-reform appeal of a judgement to which exactly three
   appellate judges are assigned has in its post-reform form a judicial
   panel assigned as judge, the members of which are the pre-reform
   appellate judges.

* Each pre-reform appeal of a judgement that does not have exactly
   three appellate judges assigned has in its post-reform form no judge

* For each pre-reform appeal of a judgement in which all three
   appellate judges have rendered judgement, the post-reform appeal
   case has a judgement assigned to its question on disposition,
   according to this translation:

   + If the pre-reform subject of the appeal was sustained, the
     post-reform judgement is AFFIRM.

   + If the pre-reform appeal resulted in reversal of the subject of
     the appeal, the post-reform judgement is OVERRULE with the
     appropriate new judgement for the prior question.

   + If the pre-reform appeal resulted in the overturning of the
     original judgement and the reassigning of the subject of the
     appeal to the same judge as it previously had, the post-reform
     judgement is REMAND.

   + Otherwise the post-reform judgement is REASSIGN.

* For each pre-reform appeal of a judgement in which not all three
   appellate judges have rendered judgement, the post-reform appeal
   case has its question on disposition open.

* Aspects of continuity not addressed by the above provisions shall be
   governed by rule 1586.  The above provisions shall guide the
   application of rule 1586.

[Rule 1586 theoretically should achieve all of this on its own.  As
it's a particularly radical redefinition of complex entities, explicit
provisions seem helpful.]


Proposal 5087 (Ordinary, AI=1, Disinterested) by Murphy
Spell check

Amend Rule 1794 (Classes of Orders) by replacing "Oredr" with "Order".

Amend Rule 2024 (Linked Statements) by replacing "labelled" with

Amend Rule 2129 (Dishonor Rolls) by replacing "publically" with

Geoffrey Spear

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