Peekee wrote:
>What are the rules that specify that obligations of a Partnership must  
>be devolved to ALL of its members/parties?

That's not required.  The requirement is that the obligations be devolved
onto at least two parties, who are then known as the members.

>Rule 2145/1 (Power=1)

Out of date.  P5061 amended it to

Rule 2145/2 (Power=2)

      A binding agreement governed by the rules which devolves its
      legal obligations onto a subset of its parties, numbering at
      least two, collectively, is a partnership.  The members of a
      partnership are those parties onto whom the partnership's legal
      obligations are collectively devolved.  A partnership's identity
      and partnershiphood are not disrupted by changes to its
      membership provided that it continues to meet the definition of
      a partnership.

      A partnership's basis is the set consisting of the union of the
      set of its non-partnership members with the bases of each of its
      partnership members.  Where circularity occurs in this
      definition, it is resolved by using the minimum basis sets that
      provide consistency.

      A partnership whose basis contains at least two persons is a


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