Ed Murphy wrote:
>Did the UK version of WLIIA

Is this a reference to "Whose Line is it Anyway?"?  I don't recall any
game in it featuring lying down, but I haven't seen any episode of it
since 1994, so I might be out of date.  (I don't have a TV.)


Ah, Wikipedia claims that the game "Stand, Sit, Bend" was used in both
versions, and had a variant "Stand, Sit, Lie".

>      When an entity becomes a type of entity with one or more
>      switches, all of eir switches for that type are set to their
>      default values.

Careful here.  What if an entity changes from one type to another where
both types have the same switch?  That is, it has changed between subtypes
where a switch is tied to a common supertype.

>      When an entity ceases to be a type of entity with one or
>      more switches, all of eir switches for that type are retained
>      and CANNOT be changed except as explicitly described by the
>      rules.

No, that would be awful!  Loses the point of switches being typed.

>I prefer to rely on Rule 754 (1) and (2) rather than explicitly
>listing such seemingly-trivial synonyms,

I don't think it's so trivial.  But you're welcome to go through the
whole ruleset and replace "register" with "become a player" and so on.
I won't object to the terms not being defined when they're no longer
used in the ruleset.


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