Urgent message from the Ambassador: There is an element in B Nomic that is opposed to Agora's benevolent governing. It is only natural for citizens of B Nomic to be scared: Their nomic has been taken under Agora's wing and revived with a flurry of activity. However, some would send Agora off without even giving us the chance to demonstrate our benevolence to our first protectorate.
I therefore extend a call to any Players who would be willing to become dual-citizens of Agora and B-Nomic, and help to influence the populace of B by voting against the proposals that would so quickly take B Nomic away from Agora's protecting arms....something that could prove truly disastrous for B Nomic in the long run. I request that you hear my call and aid the fragile B Nomic in its hour of need. Ambassador BobTHJ