Here's a proto that I'm flirting with. I'm not really sure yet where I want this to go, so I decided to go ahead and request comments on it.
Amend Rule 2136 to read: Points are a measure of a player's contentiousness. The number of points possessed by a player is eir score. The level of a player is a measure of eir influence. When a player registers, eir score is set to zero, and eir level is set to one. Whenever one or more players win the game, each player's score is set to zero, and each player's level is set to one. A player may level up by announcement whenever the base 2 log of eir score is greater than or equal to eir level. If valid, the effect of such an announcement is to increment the player's level by one. A contest is a contract that identifies itself as such, and identifies exactly one party as its contestmaster; all other parties are its contestants. The Scorekeepor is an office; its holder is responsible for keeping track of scores, levels, and contests. A contestmaster may award a total of up to 10 points per month to one or more contestants, unless e was contestmaster of a different contest for at least 15 days of the previous month. Whenever a player's level is at least 8, any player may announce this fact, specifying the player in question. If true, the effect of such an announcement is that the specified player wins the game. Amend Rule 2126 by replacing the text reading: A player may expend two VCs to increase eir own voting limit on ordinary proposals by one. A player may expend one VC to increase any other player's voting limit on ordinary proposals by one. with: A player may expend two VCs to increase eir own voting limit on ordinary proposals by one, up to a maximum of eir level. A player may expend one VC to increase any other player's voting limit on ordinary proposals by one, up to a maximum of one half the other player's level. Assuming some version of "A Suffusion of Yellow", create a rule titled "Political Parties", reading: Whenever a Democratic proposal is adopted, all players that have the same Party as the proposer gain a number of points equal to the AI of that proposal. -root