I wrote:
I intend, with Agoran consent, to make the Pineapple Partnership
the holder of the Office of Registrar.
I intend, with Agoran consent, to make Human Point Two the holder
of the Office of International Associate Director of Personnel.
I'm holding off on these until we come to a consensus on whether
the existence of the Pineapple Partnership as a player is attached
to the agreement or the set of members.
I suggest legislation along the following lines:
Define the existence of partnership players as being attached to
the agreement, along the lines of Rule 1586. Allow partnerships with
the same members but different agreements, allow partnerships to be
members of other partnerships, but include No Free Votes.
Allow silent partners, but require the members of a registered
partnership to speak up promptly if a player (member or not) falsely
purports to act on its behalf, and require the former members to speak
up promptly if it dissolves. All such requirements are satisfied when
any one of the players speaks up.