On 5/11/07, Kerim Aydin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm curious here.  A partnership could be re-written to be a nomic,
(BobTHJ's excellent corporation practically is a nomic) so other than
discussion over the term "person", is there a difference between
allowing partnerships to be legislators and allowing nomics to be
legislators?  Not meaning to be rude, I'm really curious about
the difference!  (I like the idea, in any case).

I have no problems with organizations submitting proposals.  I do have
problems with non-persons being granted the rights and privileges of
persons who are players, in particular the right to vote.  Each player
should always have exactly one vote on each proposal.  No entity that
is not a person should have any votes on any proposal.

Note that I do not permit nomics to vote; I permit members of nomics
to vote.  Of course I will need to modify that to allow voting only by
those members that are persons.

C. Maud Image (Michael Slone)
I am hereby issuing a challenge to write a good proposal that
incorporates this awesomely bad idea.
               -- Sherlock, in agora-discussion

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