Maud wrote:

     Each switch has a collection of possible states, is attached to
     a specific host entity, and has the power to modify a specific
     property of the host, called its feature.  An entity is a switch
     only if the rules say it is.  The default state of a switch is,
     unless otherwise specified, the first state of the switch
     mentioned in its defining rule.  If a switch would otherwise not
     have a default state, its default state is null.

This takes care of "what if no state is mentioned first?" (e.g. "the
values are the players"), but you should also state that null is a
possible state of any switch in this situation.

     Whenever a person registers, e becomes a player, and any
     switches attached to em due to eir being a player are
     automatically flipped to their default states.

This is already covered by "When a switch is created", except for
switches that were already attached before eir registration - so
"due to eir being a player" should be removed.

Amend rule 1871 (Turns for All) to read:

What are your thoughts on "The Standing Court"?

     A player who is turned when a Call for Judgement (CFJ) is called
     is ineligible to be Trial Judge of that CFJ.  Whenever a player
     becomes a Trial Judge, e becomes turned.

This was/is broken (see Zefram's recent discussion).

     A Notice of Rotation is a announcement which

     (a) identifies itself as a Notice of Rotation;

     (b) identifies an open CFJ to which no Trial Judge has been
         assigned, and to which no player is eligible to be
         assigned; and

"has been assigned" should be "is assigned", in case a previous
judgement was overturned and the reassignment is pending.

     (c) identifies by name or nickname at least one turned player
         who is ineligible to judge the above CFJ solely because e is

     When the Clerk of the Courts publishes a Notice of Rotation, all
     players become unturned.

This is clearer than the current mono-block of text, but I would
prefer the following requirement to be retained:

  * correctly states that there is no open CFJ to which no Trial Judge
    is assigned, and to which at least one player is eligible to be

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