On 2/5/07, Kerim Aydin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Except there are no rules whatsoever saying that names can be set or changed by announcement. There are no rules anywhere saying how names can be changed. But we accept that names can be legally changed by the announcement from the named party. That's far from obvious: not many legal systems would allow that!
For what it's worth, Judge Steve used the word "choose" to describe how a nickname is set in eir judgement of CFJ 1361: It is my view that, for the purposes of R559, a nickname is a name that a Player chooses for emself, that can be reliably used to pick em out in the full range of Agoran contexts. On this view, arbitrary designations by other Players, while they make succeed in referring to another Player, do not consitute nicknames of those Players. I don't see how this can be taken to support your deemonic theory. -- C. Maud Image (Michael Slone)