Quazie wrote:

I make a CFJ on the following statement

CFJ 1594 has been judged.

I assign this CFJ to Goethe.

I publicly note the following:

  * Both Goethe and Sherlock presented reasonable interpretations
    of Rule 1789.  Which of these interpretations we apply is
    determined by which of eir purported judgements was effective.

  * If the purported Writ of FAGE was successful in deregistering
    Goethe, then Sherlock's judgement was effective; but then the
    purported Writ of FAGE was unsuccessful.  Contradiction.

  * If the purported WoF was unsuccessful, then Goethe's judgement
    was effective; but then the purported WoF was successful.  Again,

  * The question of whether Goethe is still a player cannot be
    determined with finality.  Thus, the legality of assigning
    Goethe as judge of the CFJ above cannot be determined with
    finality, either.

King me!

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