On Dec 20, 2006, at 8:35 PM, Quazie wrote:
I make a CFJ on the following statement
CFJ 1594 has been judged.
I submit the following argument as evidence
Geothe judged CFJ 1594 to be false, thus meaning that e had been de-
registered, yet only a player may judge a CFJ.
Thus I believe that CFJ 1594 has not been judged and thus Goethe
has not actually been de-registered, as until CFJ 1594 has been
judged there is uncertainty in the registration state of Geothe.
I'm trying frantically to catch up on all of this. It's very Agora-
style to have a CFJ flurry on someone attempting to quit.
As I understand R1789, the CotC commands the deregistration as part
of posting the WoF; the command is not directed AT the Registrar.
Only the order to note the method of deregistration is directed at
the Registrar.
Under my reading, Goethe was still a player while CFJ 1594 was being
judged; the WoF wasn't posted until after the judgment was submitted
and published.
I am therefore holding off on awarding a Win By Paradox to Murphy
until this situation is resolved.
Benjamin Schultz KE3OM