I've officially been dumped by the Google Ads Product Team:

Hi Kurt,

Hope you are doing well!

Thank you for patiently waiting while I checked this internally. On 
checking with my concerned team, we have determined that since the customer 
match list is uploaded by API,  it is beyond the scope of Google Ads 
Display and Remarketing team. It would be best if you can contact Google Ad 
API team through the Google Ads and AdWords API forum 
their email alias *googleadsapi-supp...@google.com 

As per our expertise, we would only be able to help if the customer match 
list is being uploaded via Google Ads Interface. I wish I could have helped 
you, however, it is not our area of support where we could help regarding 
uploads done via API. 

I hope this information is helpful. Let me know if you have any further 
questions regarding Display campaigns and we will be glad to assist you 


*NB: If you need to reference this support ticket in the future, the ID 
number is **2-3802000031...*

API Team, please help!

On Friday, January 14, 2022 at 12:14:19 PM UTC-6 Kurt Bo wrote:

> As a follow up for anybody coming across this post in the future, I still 
> do *NOT *have resolution to this issue.
> I added logging and submit logs privately to adwords support. If you need 
> to see how to do that in java, go here:  
> https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/client-libs/java/logging  
>   At very  least it can help you verify your code IS sending the data you 
> expect it to to Google.
> After reviewing my logs of two runs (one submitting LTV and last purchase 
> date which resulted in zero matches and zero list size, and another not 
> sending ANY attributes and different list type resulting in 6200 matches), 
> the veridct from adwords support was:
> *Upon checking the attached logs, there appears to be no errors 
> encountered in both uploads. That said, the issue may not be API related.*
> I was told to contact:    :   
> https://support.google.com/google-ads/gethelp    that the Google Ads 
> Product Support team should be able to provide further guidance on how 
> adding attributes affects the match rates of uploaded audiences
> I have reached out to the Ads Product support team and so far that have 
> not been able to help. They keep trying to say they can't help if you're 
> using the API. And that I should reach out to the API team. But the API 
> team tells me to contact Ads Product support. Attached is a screenshot of 
> some of the less than helpful correspondence.
> The API support team also mentioned:
> *You may see how the user_identifiers collection under the create element 
> only hashed email along with users' spent data. As a result, Google Ads 
> will use both the hashed email and the spent information in the matching 
> process.*
> However, I'm not quite sure how that affects USER LIST *POPULATION*. I'm 
> waiting for some more clarifications around that.
> I've been assuming that by uploading my data to Google containing LTV and 
> last purchase date, that Google would use this information to prioritize 
> which Customers are the best to target. If I upload 10,000 customers, I 
> would expect the list to contain all 10,000 customers regardless of whether 
> I specified LTV or not  (assuming all 10,000 matched actual active Google 
> accounts). If I wanted to just target customers that purchased >= $5,000 in 
> the last 180 days, I could simply ONLY upload those users to my UserList 
> and have multiple user lists for different segments. So I really don't know 
> why attributes would affect the population/list size. If anybody has 
> insight into this, please, I'd love to hear it, I'm all ears.
> Overall, it seems like nobody at Google seems to know the real details 
> about UserList Attributes, WTF!!!!  This is silly, somebody please figure 
> out what's going on and advise.
> On Thursday, December 23, 2021 at 11:58:49 PM UTC-6 adsapi wrote:
>> Hi Kurt,
>> Thank you for posting your concern.
>> So that I can investigate the issue, could you provide the complete 
>> request 
>> <https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/concepts/field-service#request>
>>  and response 
>> <https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/concepts/field-service#response>
>>  logs 
>> with request ID 
>> <https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/concepts/call-structure#request-id>
>>  and request header 
>> <https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/concepts/call-structure#request_headers>
>>  generated 
>> on your end for the successful and unsuccessful API transactions for 
>> uploading members?
>> You can provide it via *Reply privately to author* option. If this 
>> option is not available, then send it instead on this email address 
>> googleadsa...@google.com.
>> Regards,
>> [image: Google Logo] 
>> Ernie John Blanca Tacata 
>> Google Ads API Team 
>> ref:_00D1U1174p._5004Q2TjyJH:ref

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