after trying out different angles I think I learned new things:

   - bidding_strategy is returned only when it's created on account level, 
   it is not returned when it's created under manager account
   - accessible_bidding_strategy should be used instead, because it is 
   returned regardless on what level it is created

It is not clear what is accessible_bidding_strategy and in what cases we 
would need to join bidding_strategy because. However there are still some 
problems if I want additional data like strategy settings (troas value, min 
and max bids). I'm not sure should I create a separate topic for that? 
However I will try to explain new issues I found anyway. Please look at my 
query and single result below, you can see that some info I request is not 

SELECT accessible_bidding_strategy.id,
FROM campaign
WHERE segments.date = '2021-12-08'

Some one record taken from list of result:
"biddingStrategy": {
  "resourceName": "customers/<redacted>/biddingStrategies/1337",
  "targetRoas": {
    "targetRoas": 0.15,
    "cpcBidCeilingMicros": "1200000"
"campaign": {
  "resourceName": "customers/<redacted>/campaigns/<redacted>"
"accessibleBiddingStrategy": {
  "resourceName": "customers/<redacted>/accessibleBiddingStrategies/1337",
  "id": "1337",
  "targetRoas": {
    "targetRoas": 0.15

As you can see, both types of strategy are returned with same id. Strategy 
was created on account level. If strategy is created on master account, 
only "accessibleBiddingStrategy" would be present. That's what would be the 
answer to my initial question. However this "accessibleBiddingStrategy" has 
fewer fields than "biddingStrategy" because it doesn't provide fields like: 
*.target_roas.cpc_bid_ceiling_micros which exists in biddingStrategy. In 
summary, there is a list of fields which are missing or empty in campaign 
and accessibleBiddingStrategy:

   1. accessibleBiddingStrategy.target_roas.cpc_bid_ceiling_micros
   2. accessibleBiddingStrategy.target_roas.cpc_bid_floor_micros
   3. campaign.target_roas.cpc_bid_ceiling_micros is empty
   4. campaign.target_roas.cpc_bid_floor_micros is empty
   5. campaign.target_roas.target_roas is empty
So, again. it's not very clear what's the difference between 
accessibleBiddingStrategy and biddingStrategy. They can be returned both 
from api with same id and behave differently (missing fields, 
biddingStrategy when it's available works perfect and has everything I 
On Friday, December 17, 2021 at 10:55:16 AM UTC+2 Algirdas Jarockis wrote:

> Hello.
> I'm afraid zero impressions has nothing to do with it and it is clearly a 
> bug which should be looked at. My returned records have positive impression 
> count, the problem is about bidding_strategy info not assigned when it's 
> clearly have to be assigned. I simplified my mentioned query in my original 
> post just to focus on main problem. With production  query I'm requesting 
> such fields (from resource campaign):
>    1. campaign.id
>    2. bidding_strategy.id
>    3. bidding_strategy.name and so on.
>    4. other fields like segments.date, segments.device, 
>    metrics.impressions, metrics.clicks and so on
> Attributed field bidding_strategy as I understand should work in a same 
> way when requesting other attributed fields like customer.id.I double 
> checked, those campaigns have bidding strategy assigned and old adwords api 
> returns them successfully. Important note: this ads api query worked week 
> ago and for unknown reason it stopped returning this attributed field.
> On Thursday, December 16, 2021 at 7:59:16 PM UTC+2 adsapi wrote:
>> Hello Algirdas,
>> Thanks for reaching out to the Google Ads API support. I have tried the 
>> same GAQL query on my end you provided and I was able to generate the 
>> (ENABLED and PAUSED) records when I removed the segments field, since these 
>> ENABLED and PAUSED campaigns have zero impressions, and when adding segment 
>> fields, and as per this documentation 
>> <https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/reporting/zero-impressions?hl=en#excluding_zero_impressions_by_segmenting>,
>> "Zero impressions are always excluded when segmenting a report.."
>> This is the reason why these campaigns were initially not being returned 
>> to all the fields from that query. Let me know if this helps you understand 
>> the behavior of the query. Feel free to write if you have any follow up 
>> questions.
>> Regards,
>> Reminder: Share your feedback about the Google Ads (AdWords) API! Take 
>> the 2021 Google Ads API and AdWords API Annual Survey 
>> <https://google.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eQbOpf4VxRyyqqO?source=so>
>> [image: Google Logo] 
>> Jakeia Sabrina 
>> Google Ads API Team  
>> ref:_00D1U1174p._5004Q2TLkvR:ref

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