I'm afraid zero impressions has nothing to do with it and it is clearly a 
bug which should be looked at. My returned records have positive impression 
count, the problem is about bidding_strategy info not assigned when it's 
clearly have to be assigned. I simplified my mentioned query in my original 
post just to focus on main problem. With production  query I'm requesting 
such fields (from resource campaign):

   1. campaign.id
   2. bidding_strategy.id
   3. bidding_strategy.name and so on.
   4. other fields like segments.date, segments.device, 
   metrics.impressions, metrics.clicks and so on

Attributed field bidding_strategy as I understand should work in a same way 
when requesting other attributed fields like customer.id.I double checked, 
those campaigns have bidding strategy assigned and old adwords api returns 
them successfully. Important note: this ads api query worked week ago and 
for unknown reason it stopped returning this attributed field.

On Thursday, December 16, 2021 at 7:59:16 PM UTC+2 adsapi wrote:

> Hello Algirdas,
> Thanks for reaching out to the Google Ads API support. I have tried the 
> same GAQL query on my end you provided and I was able to generate the 
> (ENABLED and PAUSED) records when I removed the segments field, since these 
> ENABLED and PAUSED campaigns have zero impressions, and when adding segment 
> fields, and as per this documentation 
> <https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/reporting/zero-impressions?hl=en#excluding_zero_impressions_by_segmenting>,
> "Zero impressions are always excluded when segmenting a report.."
> This is the reason why these campaigns were initially not being returned 
> to all the fields from that query. Let me know if this helps you understand 
> the behavior of the query. Feel free to write if you have any follow up 
> questions.
> Regards,
> Reminder: Share your feedback about the Google Ads (AdWords) API! Take the 
> 2021 
> Google Ads API and AdWords API Annual Survey 
> <https://google.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eQbOpf4VxRyyqqO?source=so>
> [image: Google Logo] 
> Jakeia Sabrina 
> Google Ads API Team  
> ref:_00D1U1174p._5004Q2TLkvR:ref

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