Hello Jianbo,

The Id 
the negative keywords list report corresponds to each individual row 
object. These Ids are not unique across the AdGroups and Campaigns. 
However, if you're adding the same negative keyword to different AdGroups 
and Campaigns, AdWords will return unique IDs since the AdGroupId and the 
CampaignId are globally unique. You may refer to the this 
for more information.

Bharani, AdWords API Team

On Thursday, August 31, 2017 at 5:05:07 AM UTC-4, Jianbo zhu wrote:
> Hi,
> In 'Shared Library', 'Campaign Negative Keyword', is the id of a negative 
> keyword under a negative keywords list unique across the whole account (not 
> conflicted with other negative keyword ids and other entity ids)?  I'd like 
> to use negative keyword id as the key of a dictionary, so want to make sure 
> it's unique across the whole account?
> Thanks,
> Jianbo

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  • Is NegativeKe... Jianbo zhu
    • Re: Is N... 'Bharani Cherukuri (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
    • Re: Is N... 'Bharani Cherukuri (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum

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