AdWords Scripting was discussed many times at AdWords API workshops. In 
general Googles representatives agreed on using AdWords scripting for two 
scenarios, 1) prototyping and 2) one-time actions (eg. conversions, 
restructuring etc.). For all other scenarios they recommended using AdWords 

Advantages of AdWords API are:

   - Source Control. This depends on the development environment of your 
   choice and your budget. Highly recommended.
   - Grace periods for API version migration. In scripting the API version 
   migrates in an instance: one day you are using one version, the following 
   day the next. You can't test your scripts for the next version until that 
   version gets live. In the API, multiple versions coexist. You can rewrite 
   your software for the new version, test it, got all issues resolved etc. 
   while the production still uses old software communicating with the old API.
   - Better error handling. When a script breaks due to an API version 
   migration, you can't catch that event because it's a syntax error. With 
   API, this depends on the features of your programming language - but better 
 Downsides are:

   - API version migration is mandatory. With scripts this goes silently, 
   and most times nothing breaks - but this depends on your scripts. With API 
   you have to recompile your software and put it live again.
   - You have to maintain your own infrastructure. Of course you can hire 
   that at Amazon, Google etc. but you still have to figure out what you need.
   - Learning curve for programming is steeper - especially if you never 
   developed software before.

Hope this helps to reach a decision.

On Friday, March 24, 2017 at 7:01:06 AM UTC+1, Vy Nguyen wrote:
> I work for an eCommerce reseller that has 130+ AdWords campaigns under a 
> single account. Currently, I'm using AdWords Scripts to manage daily 
> campaign refreshes. The problem is AdWords Scripts has certain limitations. 
> For one, I frequently run into errors when trying to run a script for all 
> campaigns. For example, I tried to use the Expanded Ad Transition Helper to 
> convert my STAs to ETAs. It ran into a processing error (the script 
> couldn't process all the ads in 130+ campaigns) and I had to run the script 
> twice, separately - the first one converting half of the STAs - the second 
> one converting the rest. 
> I was wondering if it makes sense to invest in the AdWords API? We have 3 
> young software developers on our team (myself included) all working full 
> time. The reason we're considering the API is because our company has been 
> managing AdWords manually for years. It's very time-consuming, 
> labor-intensive, and not the smartest approach. Plus, we only have 2 people 
> on AdWords. We want a tool that automates our campaign management so our 
> marketing team can spend the majority of their time analyzing data versus 
> doing manual tasks. 
> So, to sum it up, my questions are:
> 1) Is the API worth investing in?
> 2) What is the best feature of the API to use for an eCommerce reseller 
> with over 130+ campaigns?

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