  The Python Client Library has two flags that control logging.  The first 
is the xml_log option, which causes SOAP messages to be logged to file, and 
the debug option, which increases the log level of everything by two.

They can be specified when you instantiate your AdWordsClient, like 

Or they may come in via your pkl, in which case you can re-run the config 
script to change the values.

I believe that if you have XML logging turned off but debugging on it 
causes soap to get logged to console.  Turning both debug and xml_log off 
should prevent soap from being logged at all.

- Kevin Winter
AdWords API Team

On Tuesday, April 3, 2012 4:12:08 PM UTC-4, Sid wrote:
> Hi
> I'm updating max_cpc via the python API to my Adwords account. I would 
> like to restrict the amount of console output so that I can email the 
> output to myself in the cron and keep track of success/failures. However 
> the size of SOAP messages is so large that my mail server is unable to mail 
> the output to me. Are there specific flags I can use to suppress the 
> console messages? Ideally I'd only like to be able to see what I explicitly 
> print out in my code as the email content. Snippet from my code:
> for row in rows:
>   ad_group_id = str(row[0])
>   criterion_id = str(row[1])
>   max_cpc = row[2]
>   operations = [{
>       'operator': 'SET',
>       'operand': {
>           'xsi_type': 'BiddableAdGroupCriterion',
>           'adGroupId': ad_group_id,
>           'criterion': {
>               'id': criterion_id,
>           },
>           'bids': {
>               'xsi_type': 'ManualCPCAdGroupCriterionBids',
>               'maxCpc': {
>                   'amount': {
>                       'microAmount': max_cpc
>                   }
>               }
>           }
>       }
>   }]
>   try:
>    ad_group_criteria = ad_group_criterion_service.Mutate(operations)[0]
>   except Exception as e:
>    print "Failed to update bid (%s,%s,%s) for account %s Exception %s" 
> %(ad_group_id,criterion_id,max_cpc,input_account,e)
>  print str(cursor.rowcount) + " Bids updated for account "

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