
I'm updating max_cpc via the python API to my Adwords account. I would like 
to restrict the amount of console output so that I can email the output to 
myself in the cron and keep track of success/failures. However the size of 
SOAP messages is so large that my mail server is unable to mail the output 
to me. Are there specific flags I can use to suppress the console messages? 
Ideally I'd only like to be able to see what I explicitly print out in my 
code as the email content. Snippet from my code:

for row in rows:
  ad_group_id = str(row[0])
  criterion_id = str(row[1])
  max_cpc = row[2]
  operations = [{
      'operator': 'SET',
      'operand': {
          'xsi_type': 'BiddableAdGroupCriterion',
          'adGroupId': ad_group_id,
          'criterion': {
              'id': criterion_id,
          'bids': {
              'xsi_type': 'ManualCPCAdGroupCriterionBids',
              'maxCpc': {
                  'amount': {
                      'microAmount': max_cpc
   ad_group_criteria = ad_group_criterion_service.Mutate(operations)[0]
  except Exception as e:
   print "Failed to update bid (%s,%s,%s) for account %s Exception %s" 
 print str(cursor.rowcount) + " Bids updated for account "

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