I saw the request ID you posted on another thread
(42deb16f8e89aa3693286d8153d69463) and I looked into the cause of the
error.  There is currently a problem in one of the backend systems
that is affecting some accounts.  The core engineering team is working
hard to resolve the issue, but at this time I don't know when the work
will be complete.  There is no work around for this error.

- Eric

On Nov 29, 1:27 pm, AdWords API Advisor <adwordsapiadvi...@google.com>
> Hi ADM,
> As previously mentioned, if you provide the requestId (returned as a
> header in the SOAP response) I can look up the request in the logs and
> get more information.
> Best,
> - Eric
> On Nov 24, 5:52 pm, ADM <goo...@scienceops.com> wrote:
> > Eric,
> > We are now seeing the same UNEXPECTED_INTERNAL_API_ERROR problem on the
> > same account.
> > It did magically heal itself on about 5 Nov 2010 and then ran without
> > issue until the evening of 22 Nov 2010, where now every time we
> > interact with any campaign or adgroup in this account they only give
> > back the same meaningless UNEXPECTED_INTERNAL_API_ERROR message.
> > All our other accounts are just fine, with this never occurring (number
> > about 20 other accounts).
> > How can we get this resolved?
> > I am can provide you account ID if you contact me directly.
> > Please help resolve this critical issue for us.
> > Thanks,
> > ADM

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