I used a different account, as I don't have direct UI access to 3946675100 
but I have it to 5901767327 but the same issue is occuring there. So could 
you perhaps still give answer to the issue?
As the adverisement UI given screenshot is also given NULL in the response 
from the API.

Kind regards,

Siebert Looije

Op maandag 17 februari 2025 om 11:11:23 UTC+1 schreef Google Ads API Forum 

> Hi, 
> From the request ID you shared, I could see you are using ‘5901767327’ as 
> customer ID instead of ‘3946675100’ which you shared earlier. By using the 
> Google Ads account ‘3946675100’ as a customer ID, we tried to execute the 
> query you provided and were successful in retrieving all ad group ad data 
> including ad_group_ad.ad_id: 693810141112. I would suggest you to execute 
> the query using ‘3946675100’ as customer ID.
> If your issue still persists, kindly get back to us.
> Thanks,
> [image: Google Logo] Google Ads API Team 
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> [2025-02-17 10:10:41Z GMT] This message is in relation to case 
> "ref:!00D1U01174p.!5004Q02vH1v7:ref" (ADR-00288370)

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