Presumably partly to identify when there is spend at which specific hours 
of the day per campaign per customer of ours (e.g., in case it should just 
be business hours not at 3:00 AM), 
my directive is to get the costs spent per each hour of the day. 

I understand the segments.hour was designed to facilitate exactly that, and 
we have indeed seen variance from one hour to another and captured spend at 
hours we would not have expected.

That all said, costs are adjusted by Google periodically due to things like 
determined invalid clicks. My question is whether those adjustments are 
reflected by changing the value of *metrics.cost_micros* for that hour in 
which the action such as invalid clicks happened, or is the adjustment 
instead rendered in a different manner and so a given *metrics.cost_micros* 
value will always be the same no matter how close it is pulled to the hour 
it pertains to.

May you please let me know the answer to that question, or help direct me 
to who/where I may find that answer?

Thank you for your time.

On Thursday, August 22, 2024 at 2:45:28 PM UTC-4 Google Ads API Forum 
Advisor wrote:

> Hi,
> Thank you for reaching out to the Google Ads API support team.
> Please note that only the ‘metrics.clicks’ and ‘metrics.impressions’ 
> columns are expected to change every hour. The other columns, such as 
> 'metrics.cost_micros,’ are updated less frequently or not at all. 
> Therefore, fetching them on an hourly basis is highly inefficient. For more 
> information, you can refer to the Optimize the Frequency of Running 
> Reports 
> <>
> API documentation. 
> I hope it helps.
> This message is in relation to case 
> "ref:!00D1U01174p.!5004Q02vFFSF:ref" (ADR-00264474)
> Thanks,
> [image: Google Logo] Google Ads API Team 

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