I'm trying to replicate the GetAccountHieararchy.php example on my Laravel 
application and I keep getting this aparently very common permissions error 
but I can't see whats the problem:

{ "message": "The caller does not have permission", "code": 7, "status": 
"PERMISSION_DENIED", "details": [ { "@type": 
"errors": [ { "errorCode": { "authorizationError": "USER_PERMISSION_DENIED" 
}, "message": "User doesn't have permission to access customer. Note: If 
you're accessing a client customer, the manager's customer id must be set 
in the 'login-customer-id' header. See 
} ], "requestId": "HvUJs9KXJuoUXsX1rySSZg" } ] }

Using a refresh token generated with the playground app and then placing it 
in th google_ads_php.ini works.
But it doesn't with my implementation of the oauth2 login
Is there something wrong or missing here? I see in the playground some 
parameters in the first step that I don't see here. This is not my 
implementation I'm just looking to understand and fix the permissions issue 
class MCCHierarchy

public function all()
$efGoogleAds = new EfGoogleAds();
return $this->createCustomerClientHierarchy($efGoogleAds);

private function createCustomerClientHierarchy(EfGoogleAds $efGoogleAds)

// First, fetch the list of accessible customers
$outputArray = $this->getAccessibleCustomers($efGoogleAds->

$selects = ['customer_client.client_customer', 'customer_client.level', 
'customer_client.manager', 'customer_client.descriptive_name', 
'customer_client.currency_code', 'customer_client.time_zone', 
'customer_client.id', 'customer_client.status'];
$wheres = [
['customer_client.level', '= 1'],
['customer_client.status', '= "ENABLED"'],
['customer_client.manager', '= true']

// Now, we fetch subClients againsts each customer
foreach ($outputArray as $key => $mccClient) {
$subAccountsStreamReport = new StreamReportGoogleAds('customer_client', 
$efGoogleAds->serviceClient, intval($mccClient['clientId']), $selects, 
$wheres, '');
}catch(\Google\ApiCore\ApiException $e){
Log::error('Client id failing: '.$mccClient['clientId']);
if (isset($e->getMetadata()[0]["errors"][0]["errorCode"][
"authorizationError"]) && $e->getMetadata()[0]["errors"][0]["errorCode"][
"authorizationError"] === 'CUSTOMER_NOT_ENABLED') {
// The customer account can't be accessed because it is not yet enabled or 
has been deactivated.
// You may want to log this or handle differently in your application.
} else {
throw $e;
$subClientArray = [];
$subClientIdsArray = [];
foreach ($subAccountsStreamReport->stream->iterateAllElements() as 
$subAccount) {
$customerClient = $subAccount->getCustomerClient();
$subClientArray[] = [
'clientName' => $customerClient->getDescriptiveName(),
'clientId' => $customerClient->getId(),
'manager' => $customerClient->getManager(),
'clientStatus' => CustomerStatus::name($customerClient->getStatus())
$subClientIdsArray[] = [
"subClientName" => $customerClient->getDescriptiveName(),
"subClientId" => $customerClient->getId()
}catch(\Google\Ads\GoogleAds\Lib\V13\GoogleAdsException $e){
Log::error('Client id failing in second loop: '.$mccClient['clientId']);
throw $e;
$outputArray[$key]['subClients'] = $subClientArray;
$outputArray[$key]['subClientsIds'] = json_encode($subClientIdsArray);
return $outputArray;
* Retrieves a list of accessible customers with the provided set up 
* @param GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient the Google Ads API client
* @return int[] the list of customer IDs
private function getAccessibleCustomers(GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient): 
$outputArray = [];
// Issues a request for listing all customers accessible by this 
authenticated Google
// account.
$customerServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getCustomerServiceClient();
$accessibleCustomers = $customerServiceClient->listAccessibleCustomers([
'customer.status' => 'ENABLED']);
foreach ($accessibleCustomers->getResourceNames() as $customerResourceName) 
$customer = CustomerServiceClient::parseName($customerResourceName)[
$outputArray[] = [
'clientName' => $customerResourceName,
'clientId' => intval($customer),

return $outputArray;

class GoogleAuthController extends Controller
private $client;

public function __construct()
$this->client = new Google_Client();

public function login()
$authUrl = $this->client->createAuthUrl();
return redirect($authUrl);

public function callback(Request $request)
if (!$request->has('code')) {
return redirect()->route('login')->withErrors('Authorization failed.');
$accessToken = $this->client->fetchAccessTokenWithAuthCode($request->get(
'google_ads_access_token' => $accessToken
return redirect()->route('keywordurls');

public function logout()
return redirect()->route('login');

class EfGoogleAds

public $serviceClient = null;
public $fieldServiceClient = null;
private GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient;
public function __construct()
$this->serviceClient = $this->googleAdsClient->getGoogleAdsServiceClient();
$this->fieldServiceClient = $this->googleAdsClient->

private function setGoogleAdsClient()
$oAuth2Credential = (new OAuth2TokenBuilder())
->withRefreshToken(session('google_ads_access_token')['access_token']) // 
Use the stored refresh token

$this->googleAdsClient = (new GoogleAdsClientBuilder())

public function getGoogleAdsClient(): GoogleAdsClient{
return $this->googleAdsClient;

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