

Thank you for your answer. I've looked at the example you provide me with 
and there are different things that do not match our use case:

   - First, we do not have a merchant center account. We are using an 
   GoogleAds Manager Account to manage multiple GoogleAds account. Each 
   GoogleAds account is linked to a Business Group through a Feed using 
   PlacesLocationFeedData. We'd like to be targeting and reporting on those 
   Stores. Is this possible without a merchant account center ?
   - With our local campaigns we were optimizing on the DRIVING_DIRECTIONS 
   and we were also interested in CLICK_TO_CALL and STORE_VISIT. It seems that 
   these correspond respectively to the following conversion actions: 
   GET_DIRECTION, CONTACT and STORE_VISIT. We can see these conversion actions 
   have been created on our GoogleAds account when we created a local 
   campaign. How can we programmatically create these for our performance max 
   campaign ? 

Thank you
On Tuesday, October 18, 2022 at 3:42:58 PM UTC+2 adsapi wrote:

> Hi Laurent,
> Thanks for reaching out. Please see this example 
> <https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/retail#java>
> that demonstrates how to set customer and campaign level conversion goals 
> for Performance Max campaigns. To enable ads for products sold in local 
> stores for your Performance Max campaign, you can set the enable_local 
> <https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/v11/Campaign.ShoppingSetting#enable_local>
> field. 
> For general questions related to using Performance Max campaigns instead 
> of Local campaigns, please reach out to product support 
> <https://support.google.com/google-ads/gethelp>. 
> Regards,
> [image: Google Logo] 
> Matt 
> Google Ads API Team 
> ref:_00D1U1174p._5004Q2fb8PX:ref


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