+1 to this request!

On Friday, 30 September 2022 at 15:06:38 UTC+10 Robert Heise wrote:

> Dear Google Ads API team,
> on September 27 and 28th Google Ads API had a major outage as reported and 
> discussed in following forum threads:
>    - https://groups.google.com/g/adwords-api/c/Uwqy0BlkNDA
>    - https://groups.google.com/g/adwords-api/c/Gx4QN7ER33s
>    - https://groups.google.com/g/adwords-api/c/XUCcozWsybM
>    - probably more, didn't dig deeper
> The only status page for this incident I could find is 
> https://ads.google.com/status/publisher/incidents/TzP81sKq9EBjuSGURXSq . 
> This reports a far shorter and less severe impact, not matching the 
> observed behavior. It reports "Incident began at *2022-09-28 09:45* and 
> ended at *2022-09-28 21:30* (times are in *Coordinated Universal Time 
> (UTC)*)." Most importantly it reported the issue with more than 1 day 
> delay!
> Actually the observed (observed based on our logs) service disruption 
> began around 2022-09-27 6:00 UTC (or even earlier, this is just the time 
> where the last report fetch succeeded terminating), until around 2022-09-27 
> 13:00 UTC not a single report fetch was successfully ended via 
> search_stream, then smaller reports started to be successfully ended, but 
> larger ones didn't work until the next day *2022-09-28 21:30 UTC* . Since 
> search_stream is the endpoint suggested in all Google Ads API docs for 
> fetching report data, I'd see this disruption as highly critical.
> In my opinion the Google Ads status page at ads.google.com/status should 
> have reported the incident far earlier and documented the steps taken on 
> Google Ads team side. Instead of hiding these updates in the Google Ads API 
> Forum. For most people the status page is the first source for information 
> on service issues, not the forum.
> For the next incident I request improving the incident reporting on Google 
> side by sharing the Google Ads API issues *more accurately* and *more 
> promptly* (with less delay) *via the dedicated Google Ads status page* at 
> ads.google.com/status. The current incident had more than 1 day delay and 
> still doesn't report accurately the time when the API service was disrupted.
> Thanks,
> Robert

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