At this time it is not available.  I too thought it odd that a feature
present in V1-V13 of the API for daily aggregation as well as
reporting at Campaign|AdGroup and Keyword level to be omitted in
V201003 (V200909 did not include reporting methods).

We have been asked to provide feedback to Eric and this list in order
to get our wants and needs considered for inclusion in the latest
release.  I and many others have expressed a need to keep the text
columns for the names of the Campaign|AdGroup|Keyword available on
Keywords Performance Reports, as well as allowing daily aggregation
for all reports requested over a date range.

I guess if our lobbying is successful, we will see these additions/
changes to the API, without service interruption.

Googlers, please correct me if I have miss-stated information.


On Aug 21, 4:32 am, senser <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to build an application that is going to fetch performance
> data for an account per day.  I need performance for campaigns,
> adgroups, keywords and ads for selected period on daily basis.
> In v13 of API, there is "daily" aggregationType and I think that is
> what I need, but the question is: is there such possibility for
> v201003 or at least v200909 (I can't see any report definitions in
> v200909 though)?
> Regards,
> Niki

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