Hi Doug,

The official statement regarding these times can be found here:
While 3 hours is the minimum time suggested, we recommend waiting 4-6
hours for most reports.  There are no explicit guarantees that the
reports won't change in the future, but the differences should me
minor after this point if at all.

- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team

On Aug 19, 1:43 pm, doug s <dstall...@raybeam.com> wrote:
> Forgive me for asking this again. I am pretty sure I did, but I can't
> find your response.
> Our application pulls daily adgroup/creative/keyword reports every
> night for many accounts. We would like to pull them as soon as
> possible past midnight so we have ample time to process them.
> I am not 100% certain, but it does seem that Google does go back and
> revise historical impression, click, etc data.
> Can you recommend how long we should wait after midnight before
> pulling yesterdays data? When should we consider any given days report
> data 100% finalized and complete?
> Thanks!
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