I am a member of PPL above. Here is additional info

We are using java library "com.google.api.adwords.lib ver 2.2.0"
provided by Google

We use the below method to create the request header so that the
client_email won't be setted in the header, (we suppose using this
method excludes client_email from the header..)

com.google.api.adwords.lib.AdWordsUser.AdWordsUser(String email,
String password, String useragent, String developerToken, String
applicationToken, String version, URL alternateUrl)

email is MCC email
password is MCC password
Developer Token and Application Token is valid
version is "v13"
alternateUrl is null

for DefineReportJob object
We set as described below so that we can get a report for all MCC
client accounts set

We tried to comment out the " job.setClientEmails(null);", but still
comes the error message mutually
exclusive error.

Even the same error occurs when we used method below to specify the
client account and excluded ClientEmails and
CrossClient fields from the DefineReportJob object.

com.google.api.adwords.lib.AdWordsUser.AdWordsUser(String email,
String password, String clientId, String useragent, String
developerToken, String applicationToken)

Without "Clicks", getting Report function works.
Although it is not only "Clicks" which causes the mutually exclusive
problem, we think once we find out what's wrong with "Clicks" the
others will be no problem.

Thank you for your help
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