Two days ago we upgrade one of our TSM instances to v6.3.5 (from v6.3.4).
This is our first v6.3.5 instance.   It runs on a AIX server.

Last night at 19:32 it looks like DB2 went into some kind of a loop.
The instance became unresponsive.  Dsmadmc cmds hung (didn't error, just hung).
Dsmserv process was getting almost no cpu, while ds2sync was running the box
At 65-70% but had no disk I/O.  I killed dsmserv, but db2 didn't go down.
I tried db2stop but it did nothing.  Finally rebooted to get everything up.
The actlog shows no nasty errors.

Just wondering if anyone else has had a runaway db2.



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