Hello. We are using TSM manager Tape Library is a DS3512. I'm trying to check in some brand new tapes (LTO Ultrium 1.5TB). On the DS3512, I choos the library and insert the tape into the machine. On the command line I use this command:
label libv xxxxxx search=yes checkin=scratch labels=b overwrite=y My output is this: ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN issued command: LABEL LIBVOLUME xxxx search=yes checkin=scratch labels=b overwrite=y ANR0984I Process 120 for LABEL LIBVOLUME started in the BACKGROUND at 09:29:14. ANR8799I LABEL LIBVOLUME: Operation for library XXXXXX started as process 120. ANR8801I LABEL LIBVOLUME process 120 for library XXXXXX completed; 0 volume(s) labeled, 0 volume(s) checked-in. ANR0985I Process 120 for LABEL LIBVOLUME running in the BACKGROUND completed with completion state SUCCESS at 09:29:19. 0 volumes, but finished successfully and when I query the library XXXXXX, the new tape does not show in the list. I have also tried this command: CHECKIN LIBVOLUME xxxxxx SEARCH=YES CHECKLABEL=YES status=scratch WAITTIME=0 VOLLIST=A00xxxxL5. Results are the same. I have also tried putting the tapes on the door of the machine and not doing the 'insert media'...again results on the same. We just received 30 new tapes last week and I've tried about 10 of them so far. I have used the cleaning tape and did the clean process and also rebooted the DS3512.....same results afterwards. Any help, suggestions would be greatly appreciated. ____________________ Jeannie Bruno Senior Systems Analyst jbr...@cenhud.com<mailto:jbr...@cenhud.com> Central Hudson Gas & Electric (845) 486-5780