The downloadable IBM Knowledge Center contains the latest set of information about Tivoli Storage Manager products.
You can download and display an instance of IBM Knowledge Center either locally on a workstation, or from a server where it can be accessed by others through a web address. To download and run the Customer Installable IBM Knowledge Center, complete the following steps: 1. Download the file from the following location: 2. Extract the files to a location of your choice. 3. Read the Terms of Use statement (termsofuse.html), and the NOTICES.txt file in the KnowledgeCenter directory. 4. Review the procedures in the download_dir /KnowledgeCenter/knowledgecenter_instructions.html file. 5. Start IBM Knowledge Center by following the instructions in the knowledgecenter_instructions.html file. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Angela Robertson IBM Software Group Durham, NC 27703 ----------------------------------------------------------------