TSM 7.1.1 on AIX
So I have a customer putting in a VTL, which will have 96 virtual drives.
Those virtual drives will be spread across 4 HBA's.

What sort of strategies to people use to keep TSM from starting a BACKUP 
stgpool process and picking 4 virtual drives all on the same HBA?
Is it dependent on the order you do your DEFINE DRIVE commands? Better to set 
up multiple virtual libraries?

Any suggestions appreciated.


Wanda Prather  |  Senior Technical Specialist  | 
wanda.prat...@icfi.com<mailto:wanda.prat...@icfi.com>  |  
www.icfi.com<http://www.icfi.com/> | 410-868-4872 (m)
ICF International  | 7125 Thomas Edison Dr., Suite 100, Columbia, Md 
|443-718-4900 (o)

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