Hi Robert,

- You may want to upgrade to DP/Exchange 7.1.1 released last month.
  It adds some nice enhancements when it comes to DAGs.

- There is a new section in the User's Guide with 
  pictures and details with it comes to DAGs. Read the
  "Database Availability Group (DAG) backups" 
  section here:


- I also encourage you to read the section titled,
  "Database Availability Group backup guidelines":


As far as your question about filling up the log...
try to schedule your INCREMENTAL backups frequently enough
to never let that happen. If it does, you should try to run
a backup to clear the space, but it's possible that 
the Exchange server won't let you do anything until
you clear some space first.

Thank you,



"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> wrote on 10/12/2014 
03:12:40 AM:

> From: Robert Ouzen <rou...@univ.haifa.ac.il>
> Date: 10/12/2014 03:13 AM
> Subject: Exchange DAG question
> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>
> Hi to all
> I have an environment for my Exchange as:
> ·         2 servers with exchange 2010
> ·         O.S Windows 2008R2 64B
> ·         TSM client version  7.1.1
> ·         TSM TDP for exchange version  7.1.0
> ·         TSM server version 7.1.1
> I backup those exchange server with DAG configuration  ( only one 
> filesystem) with the configuration of proxy as:
> Target Node         Agent Node
> ---------------     ---------------------------------------------
> All the databases’ are configure on each server as half active and 
> passive and vice versa.
> I run every day 3 logs backups and one a week a full backup for each
> server with those commands:
> Logs:
> start /B tdpexcc backup * incr /MIN=60  /EXCLUDEDAGPASsive /
> logfile=excsch.log >> excincr.log
> Full:
> start /B tdpexcc backup * full /MIN=60 /EXCLUDEDAGPASsive /
> logfile=excsch.log >> excfull.log
> I understand via documentation that  DP/Exchange does not actually 
> truncate the logs, the Exchange Server does the actual truncation.
> When a DP/Exchange backup completes successfully, it will tell the 
> Exchange Server that it has stored the backup and that it can 
> truncate the logs.
> At that point, the Exchange Server decides on the appropriate time 
> to truncate the logs.
> So if one or more of my DB log  got full I need first to increase 
> the space on each server  and only after it to run a log or full 
> backup of this specific DB  to clean the logs?
> It’s a parameter /PREFERDAGPAS that I don’t quite understand the 
> purpose and if I need it on the commands ? Any other suggestions 
> will be appreciate too.
> Best Regards
> Robert Ouzen

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