usually in an exchange DAG one server has the active copy of a database and the 
other has a passive copy. We prefer to use the passive copy for backups so the 
load of the backup doesn’t impact the user experience, but if there is only on 
copy that one is still to be backed up.

Op 12 okt. 2014, om 09:12 heeft Robert Ouzen <> het 
volgende geschreven:

> Hi to all
> I have an environment for my Exchange as:
> ·         2 servers with exchange 2010
> ·         O.S Windows 2008R2 64B
> ·         TSM client version  7.1.1
> ·         TSM TDP for exchange version  7.1.0
> ·         TSM server version 7.1.1
> I backup those exchange server with DAG configuration  ( only one filesystem) 
> with the configuration of proxy as:
> Target Node         Agent Node
> ---------------     ---------------------------------------------
> All the databases’ are configure on each server as half active and passive 
> and vice versa.
> I run every day 3 logs backups and one a week a full backup for each server 
> with those commands:
> Logs:
> start /B tdpexcc backup * incr /MIN=60  /EXCLUDEDAGPASsive 
> /logfile=excsch.log >> excincr.log
> Full:
> start /B tdpexcc backup * full /MIN=60 /EXCLUDEDAGPASsive /SKIPINTEGRITYCHECK 
> /tsmoptfile=dsm.opt  /DAGNODE=DAG_EXCHANGE   /logfile=excsch.log >> 
> excfull.log
> I understand via documentation that  DP/Exchange does not actually truncate 
> the logs, the Exchange Server does the actual truncation.
> When a DP/Exchange backup completes successfully, it will tell the Exchange 
> Server that it has stored the backup and that it can truncate the logs.
> At that point, the Exchange Server decides on the appropriate time to 
> truncate the logs.
> So if one or more of my DB log  got full I need first to increase the space 
> on each server  and only after it to run a log or full backup of this 
> specific DB  to clean the logs?
> It’s a parameter /PREFERDAGPAS that I don’t quite understand the purpose and 
> if I need it on the commands ? Any other suggestions will be appreciate too.
> Best Regards
> Robert Ouzen


 Met vriendelijke groeten/Kind Regards,

Remco Post
+31 6 248 21 622

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