Good Morning All, I have an ISILON that is backing up directly to a TSM server. The library is mounted to the TSM server, not the ISILON. My question is, I have a stgpool created that the data format was NAS but, I had to change the data format to NATIVE to get the backup to work. Now, when you perform a q vol * stg=naspool, the tapes all say empty even though the backup has been running for a while.
Any ideas on how to see the information assigned to these tapes? tsm: SERVER1>q vol * stg=naspool Volume Name Storage Device Estimated Pct Volume Pool Name Class Name Capacity Util Status ------------------------ ----------- ---------- --------- ----- -------- 000023L4 NASPOOL LTO4 0.0 M 0.0 Empty 000026L4 NASPOOL LTO4 0.0 M 0.0 Empty 000033L4 NASPOOL LTO4 0.0 M 0.0 Empty 000101L4 NASPOOL LTO4 0.0 M 0.0 Empty 000157L4 NASPOOL LTO4 0.0 M 0.0 Empty 000823L4 NASPOOL LTO4 0.0 M 0.0 Empty 000843L4 NASPOOL LTO4 0.0 M 0.0 Empty 000846L4 NASPOOL LTO4 0.0 M 0.0 Empty 000850L4 NASPOOL LTO4 0.0 M 0.0 Empty L00660L4 NASPOOL LTO4 0.0 M 0.0 Empty L00665L4 NASPOOL LTO4 0.0 M 0.0 Empty L00678L4 NASPOOL LTO4 0.0 M 0.0 Empty L00693L4 NASPOOL LTO4 0.0 M 0.0 Empty L00700L4 NASPOOL LTO4 0.0 M 0.0 Empty L00705L4 NASPOOL LTO4 0.0 M 0.0 Empty L00720L4 NASPOOL LTO4 0.0 M 0.0 Empty L00804L4 NASPOOL LTO4 0.0 M 0.0 Empty L00974L4 NASPOOL LTO4 0.0 M 0.0 Empty L00988L4 NASPOOL LTO4 0.0 M 0.0 Empty L01231L4 NASPOOL LTO4 0.0 M 0.0 Empty _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information and/or Protected Health Information (PHI) subject to protection under the law, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, as amended (HIPAA). If you are not the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the email to the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this email in error and that any use, disclosure, distribution, forwarding, printing, or copying of this email is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender immediately and destroy all copies of the original message.