Hallo Guys, I am trying to configure a TSM Jbb backup on linux, I get following errors after I start jbb service.
07/28/2014 15:11:46 ANS0361I DIAG: startJbbThread(): FS Monitor Thread initialization failed, rc=18 07/28/2014 15:15:14 Version 6, Release 4, Level 1.7 Last Update: Jan 23 2014 /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/tsmjbbd, /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin, Prefs file: /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/tsmjbbd.ini, Journal dir: /SZIR/data/journaldbs 2 File System(s) specified for Journaling: /PALD /PALD/vhosts/backup 07/28/2014 15:15:17 ANS0361I DIAG: openMonitorDir(): PF_OpenDriver RC=5003 . The device driver could not be opened 07/28/2014 15:15:17 ANS0361I DIAG: initReadFsChangesInfo(): Error opening '/PALD'. 07/28/2014 15:15:17 ANS0361I DIAG: FsMonitorThreadInit(): Error opening fs '/PALD' for change monitoring . 07/28/2014 15:15:17 ANS0361I DIAG: tsMonitorThreadInit(): FsMonitorThreadInit() failed. 07/28/2014 15:15:17 ANS0361I DIAG: startJbbThread(): FS Monitor Thread initialization failed, rc=18 07/28/2014 15:15:17 ANS0361I DIAG: openMonitorDir(): PF_OpenDriver RC=5003 . The device driver could not be opened 07/28/2014 15:15:17 ANS0361I DIAG: initReadFsChangesInfo(): Error opening '/PALD/vhosts/backup'. 07/28/2014 15:15:17 ANS0361I DIAG: FsMonitorThreadInit(): Error opening fs '/PALD/vhosts/backup' for change monitoring . 07/28/2014 15:15:17 ANS0361I DIAG: tsMonitorThreadInit(): FsMonitorThreadInit() failed. 07/28/2014 15:15:17 ANS0361I DIAG: startJbbThread(): FS Monitor Thread initialization failed, rc=18 My tsmjbb.ini file is Errorlog=/WORK/TMP/Jbberror.log Journaldir=/SZIR/data/journaldbs [JournalExcludeList] ; Note that this list contains the journal database files. *.jdb.jbbdb *.jdbInc.jbbdb [JournaledFileSystemSettings] JournaledFileSystems=/PALD /PALD/vhosts/backup ; Override stanza for /PALD /PALD/vhosts/backup [JournaledFileSystemSettings./PALD] JournalDir=/otherfs/tsmjournal PreserveDBOnExit=1 DeferFsMonStart=1 DeferRetryInterval=2 logFsErrors=1 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [root@degtluxxxx bin]# rpm -qa |grep -i tiv TIVsm-API64-6.4.1-7.x86_64 TIVsm-filepath-6.4.1-0.x86_64 tivoli-1.0.0-1.noarch TIVsm-JBB-6.4.1-7.x86_64 TIVsm-BA-6.4.1-7.x86_64 Any Ideas!!! Grüße Vikas Arora *e Mail* : vikar...@gmail.com