Hi Eric,

you should leave this to the profs :) Nothing that can't be fixed, I'm sure. 
Been there, done that ;-) It is a bit of work and well, I'd be happy to help 
you out....

Op 16 jul. 2013, om 22:58 heeft "Loon, EJ van - SPLXM" <eric-van.l...@klm.com> 
het volgende geschreven:

> Hi Erwann,
> Thank you VERY much for the link to the document!
> In my case it's probably a mix of one and two. I'm installing an 
> active-active cluster, so two servers with their own (shared) instance dir, 
> so I guess this also requires both instances to be configured on both 
> nodes... In that case I'm stuck again because of the error down below.
> Tomorrow I will try if option one works. Thanks again!
> Kind regards, Eric van Loon 
> Hi Eric,
> You may see this technote instead which is more recent and more complete :
> http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27036658
> See the difference between configuring Tivoli Storage Manager server on a 
> secondary node for PowerHA with a shared DB2 instance (probably your case) 
> and configuring Tivoli Storage Manager server on a secondary node for PowerHA 
> with a separate DB2 instance (what I used to do).
> In the first case there is only one DB2 instance, and it is located on shared 
> disk. In the second case, there is one instance per cluster node, on 
> local/non-shared disk.
> --
> Best regards / Cordialement / ?? ??????
> Erwann SIMON
> ----- Mail original -----
> De: "EJ van Loon - SPLXM" <eric-van.l...@klm.com>
> Envoyé: Mardi 16 Juillet 2013 17:09:57
> Objet: [ADSM-L] Problems creating instance on stand-by node
> Hi TSM-ers!
> I installed the TSM server code on two AIX nodes in a PowerHA
> cluster. Both TSM instances are running fine on their own default node.
> Now I'm trying to make the TSM servers HA ready by registering the DB2
> instance op the stand-by node, using the db2icrt command. I'm using
> technote 1452772 as reference, since the installation guide seems to be
> incomplete.
> A failover was performed and according to the instructions I now have to
> create the empty DB2 instance on the stand-by node by issuing the
> following command:
> /opt/tivoli/tsm/db2/instance/db2icrt -u tsm_abu2 tsm_abu2
> This however results in the following error:
> DBI1082E  The file or directory /appl/tsm_abu2/sqllib already exists
> Of course this directory exists: it was created during the initial
> creation of the instance on the primary node!
> Could you please help me in solving this problem?
> Thank you very much for your help!
> Kind regards,
> Eric van Loon
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Remco Post
+31 6 248 21 622

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Remco Post
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